Argentina nuclear tango: demand for leadership

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Whether Argentina will be able, having the saved up experience and own development in nuclear branch, to become the serious player on the world scene of nuclear power? Information company "Regnum" with the review of nuclear power 1/4 Mine Atom Shilov Yvan © Information company "Regnum" Miny Atom

Argentina from the point of view of power is today conducting the producer of gas in only . At the same time in Argentina in due time there was a nuclear power plant first among another Latin American states — Province of Buenos Aires became the pioneer of peace atom in this region of the world. However, nuclear generation occupied nobody here a considerable share in the total amount of the made electric power. At the end of the XX century nine percent were the share of the nuclear power plant, now — less than five. It would seem, it is an obvious sign of that the nuclear power stagnates Argentina

History of development of the Argentina nuclear power, as well as in many other countries, originates in the middle of the XX century. Here in 1950 it was created the National commission of nuclear power. To creation of the special commission in Argentina there was precisely a boom of research activity. Today in the country five research nuclear reactors work.

14 years of works Later in this area scientists paid the attention to industrial nuclear power. Technical and economic researches of the block for the region Province of Buenos Aires which power made 300−500 MWt were conducted. For comparison the first trial nuclear power plant in the world, started in the USSR on June 27, 1954 in Obninsk, originally had power in 5 MWt. After studying of the Argentina block of the nuclear power plant, the power announced the tender for construction.

From the middle of the 50th years of the XX century in Argentina carried out investigation and uranium production. However geological researches showed that its stocks are very small. They make only about 15 thousand tons. It so is not enough that stocks of the Argentina uranium are included in the local Red List. However, by estimates of the National commission of atomic energy, in several places stocks of uranium reach 55 thousand tons. Here carried out investigation and fuel production, it was succeeded to save up about 2,5 thousand tons. But in 1997 for ecological reasons the mine was closed. it is important to p to note

that the power policy Argentina firmly was based on application of heavy-water nuclear reactors which work at natural uranium. Considering this circumstance, Province of Buenos Aires began to choose between the Canadian and German offers. As a result the choice fell on the offer of the German company Kraftwerk Union. The main thing — it provided full financing of the project. In 1968 in Province of Lima in 115 kilometers from the capital began construction of the nuclear power plant "Atucha" with the reactor the 340 MWt PHWR . In 1974 it put into operation.

2/4 Nuclear power plant Watsonpatricio the nuclear power plant "Atucha"

This nuclear power plant became the first not only in Argentina, but also in only . However, in addition, its uniqueness consists also that unlike any other reactor on heavy water, it has the tank of a high pressure. So, today, on the nuclear power plant "Atucha" apply slaboobogashchenny uranium fuel concentration of 0,85%. It accelerated combustion process thanks to what operational expenses were cut down for 40% twice.

seven years Later after commissioning of the first block of the Argentina nuclear power plant, in 1981, the German Siemens AG began a construction of the second block. However, as it often happens, on further construction there was no money, and in 1984 building was frozen. Since then to the project of construction of the second block more than once came back. Considering that in 1990 energy needs of the population of the country started growing sharply, nuclear power plant "Atucha-2" 692 MWt with the same type of the reactor, as the first block was simply vital. So, in 1992 a construction of the block started for the second time. Managed to construct for 80%, but two years later building again froze. For the third time the project started in 2006, and then the decision on finishing of construction of the block up to the end was made. As a result of the nuclear power plant "Atucha-2" it was built by 2011, and it is put into operation only in 2014 — in 33 years after the project beginning.

3/4 Nuclear power plant Mrcukilo the nuclear power plant "Atucha-2"

important to understand that till 2014 in Argentina was only two nuclear reactors one of which settled down on the nuclear power plant "Atucha", and the second nuclear power plant "Embalse" on . the Second station settles down in the southwest of the city of the same name and in 110 kilometers from the city Province of Cordova. The nuclear power plants started building in the same 1974, and ten years later the power unit put into operation. There is only one, but quite powerful MWt CANDU 600 reactor in comparison with the nuclear power plant "Atucha-1". That is to a nuclear power plant "Atucha-2" construction this power unit was the most powerful in Argentina. In 2011 the Argentina authorities decided to prolong reactor service life for 30 years. Two years later started holding events for power unit improvement for what its work stopped more than for a year. However as a result of its power it was increased at least by 48 MWt. For implementation of works on station Argentina attracted the Canadian company Candu Energy Inc. with which the contract more than on $440 million was signed. contracts and with the Argentina companies were also signed. As a result all actions cost to the country budget $1,3 billion

4/4 Nuclear power plant Mrcukilo the nuclear power plant "Embalse"

Peace atom today

On energy production per capita Argentina advances other countries . However energy needs of the region nevertheless grow. In the 90th years of last century the nuclear power Argentina occupied only ten percent in a total amount of the electric power developed in the country. However in subsequently this indicator began to fall. So, in 2007 in this Latin American state 115 billion kW of hours from which only 7,2 billion kW of hours, that is 6,3%, were received from nuclear generation were made. The rest was the share of gas burning (54%), hydroelectric power station (27%), oil refining (9,4%), coal processing (2,2%). By 2012 production of the nuclear electric power fell in the total amount of the country even below — to 4,7%. In 2015, by data International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), were made only 135 072.00 GW of hours from which 6519.00 GW of hours are received from the nuclear power plant, that is 4,85%.

Now in Argentina production of fuel for power and research reactors happens at the separate enterprises operating as a part of the Nuclear center in Eseysa, Province of Buenos Aires. In this center production of fuel tablets on the basis of the natural and low-enriched uranium, constructional elements from stainless steel, alloys of the titan and nickel, zirconium production (the truth, a number of constructional elements is still imported) is arranged. Also in the city Province of Cordova is cleaning plant on production of dioxide of uranium. Now enrichment happens generally United States of America. But in 2015 uranium enrichment plant in the peace purposes, Negro Rio, resumed the work.

uranium Production on some mines also plan to start over again. So, Argentina which wants to increase today a share of nuclear generation, has for this purpose absolutely small stocks of fuel. In the same time, for example, Sweden which has huge stocks of uranium ores and where their production was adjusted in the 60th years (when in Argentina only started to development of uranium fields), gave now the power in a charge "green", that is actually gradually kills nuclear branch.

Now in connection with increasing power inquiries of the population Argentina is compelled to look for solutions for satisfaction of these needs. So, the government in 2006 declared that plans to increase development of the nuclear electric power to 15−18% of all made electric power. Moreover, in 2013 of the power decided to enclose $42 billion. Part from these means, namely 15%, were already spent for nuclear projects.


So, in 2011 declared that in the territory of the country plan to construct nuclear power plant "Atucha-3" . And in it, to 2016, mass media reported that the new power block can construct according to the Russian project. In April, 2015 of Government of the Russian Federation and Argentina the memorandum of understanding which defines bases of cooperation of the parties in the field of construction in the territory of the Republic of the power unit of the nuclear power plant with a water-to-water power reactor of the Russian design of power to 1200 MWt is signed.

In July of the current year the Argentina delegation visited several Russian nuclear objects then the constant representative Argentina at the international organizations in Vienna Raphael Mariano Grossi declared that Russian Federation in recent years reached a big superiority in technologies of nuclear power in comparison with other countries. Later the Minister of Foreign Affairs Argentina Susana Malcorra reported that the Argentina authorities consider possibility of implementation of projects in the nuclear sphere with Russian Federation. However, chapter Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Argentina reminded that Province of Buenos Aires also received the offer about construction of two nuclear power plants from the Chinese party.

China already helped earlier to Argentina with nuclear projects. Within long-term financing of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) provided goods and services of the Argentina Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA (NASA) for completion of construction of the above-mentioned nuclear power plant "Atucha-3". Then, in November, 2015, Argentina and China signed the contract on construction of the fourth and fifth reactors on the nuclear power plant "Atucha". The Chinese party will finance, under contracts, 85% from all $15 billion. Now, in July, 2016, China and Argentina signed the memorandum of understanding, having confirmed the plans for construction of the nuclear power plant "Atucha-4" and nuclear power plant "Atucha-5" . Their construction have to begin at the beginning of 2017.

As for small nuclear reactors, in Argentina the such is under construction near Province of Buenos Aires and from the nuclear power plant "Atucha" — nuclear power plant Carem 25 . according to the estimates of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in the world there are only 20 projects of the low-power nuclear power plants which develop to United States of America, Argentina, France, China, South Korea, Japan and Russian Federation. The majority of this development is represented by light-water nuclear reactors which are recognized as the safest. Argentina did not become in this area the pioneer: United States of America have an experience of use of the 1,5 MWt small nuclear reactor at Makmurdo's Antarctic station in 1960 — 1970. In Argentina the Carem reactor 25 began to develop in 1984. It is the new experimental PWR reactor with a power of 27 MWt. It is the newest in the world. Its need consists in delivering the inexpensive electric power to sparsely populated regions of the country. Feature of Carem 25 not only in use of the basic PWR reactor, but also in integrated configuration, simplicity of the reactor, small number of active components, and also in passive system of safety. Future reactors of this type will have to possess with the an electric power of 150−300 MWt.

of the nuclear power plant Carem 25 started building in 2014, and already in the second half of 2017 here will start loading fuel. The cost of this block estimate at $450 million, and at least 70% of the equipment will be made by Argentina experts. The nuclear power plants of low power well are suitable for providing remote regions and for creation of alternative of the coal industry. For comparison, for example, Government of Great Britain decided to enclose recently 250 million pounds in development of the small modular nuclear power plants. To build such reactors cheaper and quicker though they and much less powerful, however they are necessary. To United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland such nuclear power plant plan to build by 2020. To Russian Federation the small nuclear power plants are going to use for the solution of tasks on development of the Russian Arctic zone. State corporation "Rosatom" plans to create the pilot project of such station by 2020.

Construction of the Carem 25 reactor means p, in addition, that Argentina seeks to win positions in a perspective niche of small modular power reactors. It can appear very long-term plan as Argentina has the light-water designs with original lines.

Besides Argentina has own multi-purpose research reactors. The Argentina experts created about 15 reactors and the assemblies six of which are sold to Peru, Province of Alger, Egypt, Australia. Besides in March, 2016 the president Argentina Mauricio Macri and his French colleague of Francois Hollande during visit of the second to Province of Buenos Aires, agreed to develop cooperation between the countries. In particular, the parties agreed that the French corporation Areva and the Argentina company INVAP will cooperate in the project on delivery to South Africa two nuclear reactors one of which is research. Also Argentina and Brazil have the joint project of a construction of two multi-purpose reactors which will be both in one, and in other state. In addition, Argentina has experience and in stages of a doreaktorny nuclear fuel cycle: production and uranium refining, conversion, enrichment, fuel fabrication. Certainly, in comparison with the French, Russian, American development, it more likely small-scale experience, however the fact of that Argentina has own development and a wealth of experience, speaks about much. Plans

As it was told above, natural gas in power Argentina takes a leading place. The share of this energy carrier in the total amount of the made electric power grew for the last 40 years. As a result today gas covers more than a half of balance of primary power sources and provides more than a half of development of the electricity exceeding 120 billion kW of hours. Thus, in Argentina is conducting the producer of gas. There are gas pipelines for transfer of gas to Brazil and Uruguay (from Province of Neuquen).

As for oil, its share too is great, though it is less than gas. Argentina — the fourth country on the continent on production of black gold. It possesses rather developed oil-processing industry which is formed in the oil production centers: Kampo-Durán — in the north, Comodoro Rivadavia — in the south, Lukhan-de-Kuyo — to Province of Mendoza. However today, looking at a situation in the world oil market, it becomes clear that to be guided completely on oil sector not safely for national economy. In Argentina also there are six thermal power plants. Considering all these circumstances development of peace atom in this Latin American state, since 90th years, faded into the background. A role was played also by financial difficulties. It is enough to remember the nuclear power plants "Atucha-2" tightened construction. It reminds history with development of nuclear power in other country — Brazil . Where today to the share of the nuclear power plant falls not much more, than in Argentina — 3%. However, to Brazil the main share of electricity generation falls to the share of hydroelectric power station — 75%, in Argentina hydroelectric power stations take the second place ~ 27%.

However today the power situation in the country changed. First, Province of Buenos Aires wants to become the independent, strong player in the sphere of nuclear technologies. Secondly, in the country there are serious power problems. The matter is that in the last fifteen years gas production was reduced, even supply of fuel to other countries began to happen sometimes with interruptions. If to speak about stocks of this energy carrier, at the beginning of the XXI century they decreased twice. Gas, oil, fuel oil, hydroelectric power stations — all of them in the future will not be capable effectively and to satisfy increasing requirements of the population cheap. For this reason in 2006 the Argentina authorities declared that the country heads for development of nuclear power, and respectively, increase its share.

the End of construction of the nuclear power plant "Atucha-2" in 2014, increase in service life and nuclear power plant "Embalse" power, a construction of the low-power nuclear power plant Carem 25, modernization of the research reactors, the agreements signed with foreign partners on construction of the new nuclear power plants, adjustment of communications with world players in nuclear branch — all these actions say that Province of Buenos Aires adequately estimates power situation and surely seeks to develop the nuclear branch. Other question consists in that, how soon Argentina will manage to increase a share of nuclear generation to planned 18%, after all the country authorities generally by means of this power source intend to satisfy energy needs of the region.

regnum author Polozkova Anastasiya