Treasure-hunters did not find in Poland a tunnel, "a nazi armored train"
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The excavation which has been carried out on a place of alleged finding of the train with gold of the Third Reich in Poland, ended without results. For archaeological works it was spent 140 thousand zloties (37 thousand dollars).

The group of researchers under the leadership of the Pole Koper Petr and the German Rikhter Andreas dug three deep holes around tracks in Walbrzych. Excavation began last week. They were carried out in a place which was specified by the locals claiming that knew about train existence. However archeologists did not find "neither the train, nor the tunnel" in which it was allegedly hidden, reported AP the press secretary of treasure-hunters Andrzej Gayk. The dug holes were dug. Works managed to archeologists in 37 thousand dollars.

Last year archeologists conducted research by means of a georadar and the magnetometer. According to them, signs of existence of the train in a tunnel underground were revealed. But the carried-out excavation confirmed the conclusions drawn by the group of experts from university of Krakow that neither the tunnel, nor the train in this place is not present.

However treasure-hunters led by the Nut will continue searches - in September they intend to move on the next site and to try good luck again. About location of the train hunters of treasures were reported before death by the local who declared that helped to hide the train.

According to a legend, in 1944 fascists, preparing for retreat, transported stolen in values on underground tunnels. One "the nazi armored train" allegedly got stuck in the Bottom Silesia.

Messages on an armored train caused in Poland real "gold-rush" then access to a place of estimated location of object was blokiroan. It was reported that one treasure-hunter was lost, having failed in a tomb on an old German cemetery in the Polish Swiebodzice.
