Propaganda for the elite

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Photo: Lori Some parties will be able to place advertizing on the Moscow billboards on the eve of elections of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The others claim that they are stirred by the Moscow authorities, operators of advertizing and lack of money

of Repair, a ban and shortage of places

In a month on the eve of elections of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the seventh convocation representatives of several parties complain of obstacles at placement of outdoor advertizing in Moscow.

Candidates from Communist Party of the Russian Federation say that capital operators of outdoor advertizing for various reasons refuse to party propaganda placement on billboards. According to the head Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Moscow City Duma Andrey Klychkov, the companies refuse with different formulations. At someone repair suddenly began, and someone, by words Andrey Klychkov, speaks about a ban on advertizing from Communist Party of the Russian Federation. According to the leader of the Moscow communists of the deputy Valery Rashkin, the nekotory companies did not refuse and signed with it contracts on advertizing, however billboards hung three days then were removed. Money returned to communists, Rashkin assures, but cooperation did not resume.

Rashkin claims that for various reasons communists were refused by the Broadcasting Company companies, "Rouen", "Belief %26 Olympe" and "Laysa". sotrudnik of sales department of Broadcasting Company told RBC that the company had no contracts from Communist Party of the Russian Federation both Rashkin and from it it did not receive claims. The representative of the Rouen company declared RBC that since July the company conceded the areas to other firm and only for this reason could stop cooperation from Communist Party of the Russian Federation though contracts with it does not remember. The secretary of the Belief %26 Olympe company told RBC that the head of sales department, which on holiday can answer questions of the correspondent only. The representative of the Laysa company asked to send questions by mail and did not answer them.

About refusal of advertisers were told also by the candidate from All-Russian Political Party "Rodina" Kolesov Eugenie who stands in the Kuntsevsky one-mandatory district (No. 197). He tried to place outdoor advertizing in the district and addressed to four large operators — "Gem", Gallery, "Belief %26 Olympe" and LLC "Russ Autdor", but all refused to it, the candidate assures. The company of "Gem" in correspondence explained the refusal by a ban to place advertizing of candidates from "Homeland" from Moscow Government, he emphasized, having provided the copy of the letter from the operator. The representative of the Belief %26 Olympe company during negotiations told that it is necessary to coordinate the advertizing model with the deputy mayor Moscow Sergey Sobyanin Rakov Anastasiya (RBC has a copy of the letter), subsequently also having refused placement. Other operators explained refusal in "outdoor advertizing" to "Homeland" with shortage of places, Kolesov Eugenie added. It was not succeeded to receive comments of the Belief %26 Olympe and Gem companies on Tuesday evening RBC. the Press secretary of the mayor Moscow Penkova Gulnara did not answer p with

question RBC of, whether gave the Moscow authorities of the instruction to operators of advertizing.

Russian United Democratic Party "Yabloko" only conducts negotiations on placement of outdoor advertizing in Moscow, the press secretary of the founder of party Grigory Yavlinsky Yakovlev Igor told RBC. "To agree it turns out with the small firms having a small amount of advertizing spaces" — Yakovlev Igor, dobav ​​​ willows noted that large contractors refuse to deal with "Apple". The companies, by words Yakovlev Igor, explain refusal by employment or the phrase "well you understand... ", he did not specify the name of the companies. Thanks to small firms the party will have "outdoor advertizing" in Moscow, but it will be a little, the press secretary added, having refused to call more exact figures. It reminded, as in the previous campaigns it there was the most problem type of propaganda as often owners of advertizing spaces are closely connected with the regional authorities.

"Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (A Just Russia) did not start yet outdoor advertizing in Moscow, the head of the campaign headquarters the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Alexander Burkov speaks. ​ "But in other regions, for example in the Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and Belgorod areas, say that we were late and all areas are handed over, or cut off our advertizing" — Alexander Burkov complains.

PARNASSUS if means allow, probably, will sign contracts on outdoor advertizing, however while the party leadership of it did not do, the vice-chairman of party Merzlikin Konstantin speaks. "One billboard — is hundreds thousands rubles if to take for a month and in a good place, this very expensive pleasure" — the politician emphasized. While the party established propaganda cubes and distributes leaflets by means of volunteers, daily in Moscow costs on ten cubes. By words Merzlikin Konstantin, PARNASSUS did not face counteraction to a campaign course from the authorities in the capital though in many regions "do not allow to coordinate pickets". The general budget on propaganda — tens of millions rubles, was noted by Merzlikin Konstantin, having found it difficult to call more exact sum.

U of whom there are no problems

there are no problems with outdoor advertizing at "Yedinaya Rossiya" (United Russia). The party in power will have an external propaganda with the image Medvedev , with Putin's quotes, and also with slogans United Russia party members from their election program, told before RBC in party. Besides billboards United Russia party members prepare for span still television rollers. In some of them Putin's statements will be heard, and candidates will participate in some from "Yedinaya Rossiya" (United Russia) which will agitate per lot, tell the United Russia party member .

Actively uses outdoor advertizing of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia — still before active election campaign the party hanged out in regions additional billboards with the logo. In total now at Liberal Democratic Party of Russia about 3,5 thousand hang. banners over the country, the interlocutor in party told RBC. According to him, about 50 million rubles were spent for all outdoor advertizing. In this campaign of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia began to use more evident propaganda on transport (electric trains, minibuses, at the airports) — about 20% of all expenses for evident propaganda were spent for it from an election fund, the deputy Mikhail Degtyarev told RBC. According to him, it is one of the most effective and inexpensive types of propaganda and, besides, this year administrative barriers to its placement decreased. Candidates of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia use also during campaign of an agitmarshrutka, and at the beginning of August from Moscow the motorcade consisting of the truck and two buses went to regions. As Mikhail Degtyarev explained, is closer to elections for economy of means of an election fund of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia preferred to start up buses instead of traditional for party agitpoyezda which plied on regions since the beginning of year.

it is A lot of outdoor advertizing at All-Russian political party "Partiya rosta", the vice-chairman of party Tatyana Marchenko . In propaganda the slogans "Growth Will Be", "Russian Federation — growth territory" will be used. the party will put Emphasis on Moscow, Moscow region, Saint Petersburg and million-plus cities. Problems with placement of outdoor advertizing at party did not arise as with the companies agreed in advance as soon as it was decided to participate in elections, marked out Tatyana Marchenko. The party already placed in the capital ten billboards and 40 citybordov. Also All-Russian political party "Partiya rosta" does propaganda graffiti on asphalt, square cliches are sent to 79 regions with an arrow and the phrase "Growth will be". Completely the building wall is given for graffiti in support of party in Nikitsky Boulevard. By words Tatyana Marchenko, in total in Moscow the party spent about 12 million rubles for outdoor advertizing

Skateboards and spontaneous sticking-up

Besides billboards of party involved other ways to agitate passersby. All-Russian political party "Partiya rosta" started volunteers on the branded skateboards which in t-shirts with party symbolics go on the capital and distribute campaign materials. In only Moscow one hundred such volunteers. Also on the capital there go 500 cars with large stickers "Growth will be", speaks Tatyana Marchenko.

Communists are going to release 20-million circulation the election program "Ten steps to worthy life", one of heads of the campaign headquarters of Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Novikov Dimitri told RBC. "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (A Just Russia) intends to extend 25 million newspapers by means of 3 thousand propagandists, Alexander Burkov speaks.

"Homeland" in case of refusals in billboards in Moscow is going to be engaged "in spontaneous sticking-up on facades of houses", the political strategist of "Homeland" Kudashov Vladimir told RBC.

"Apple" is going to use all ways of propaganda: debate, volunteers, booklets, including to buy paid air on "Rain" and Radio station "Ekho Moscow", Yakovlev Igor speaks. Besides, the party tries to pay much attention to advertizing in social networks , mobile applications and a contextual advertizing.

PARNASSUS also in propaganda will put the main emphasis on the Internet as considers Internet advertizing of the most effective for the audience, than expensive "outdoor advertizing", Merzlikin Konstantin told. PARNASSUS will put emphasis on promotion of videos through Sotsialnaya set Facebook and Video hosting"YouTube", and also banner advertizing through Google Inc.. Power

formal opportunities always tried to use p to limit outdoor advertizing at competitors because it gives another in lots chance to be engaged in a political propaganda, the chairman of the board of directors "Niccolo of M" Igor Mintusov notes. "Unfortunately, such is the nature of any power in the absence of civil society which would control it, and systems of independent vessels" — he explained. If advertizing operators really coordinate models of propaganda of parties with Moscow Government, this violation of the law, the expert emphasized. ​

Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Anastasia Rakov
Last position: Deputy Mayor for Social Development (Moscow Government)
Mikhail Degtyarev
Main activity:Politician
Andrey Klychkov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Oryol region)
Gulnara Penkova
Last position: The press secretary of the Mayor is the Head of the Press service (Mayor Administration and government of Moscow)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.