The Yaroslavl Olympians returned from Rio de Janeiro

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"Yaroslaviya's" "State tv and broadcasting company "Yaroslaviya"

the Yaroslavl Olympians returned from Rio de Janeiro. The resident of Yaroslavl Drattsev Eugenie took the 11th place in race on 10 kilometers on swimming on open water. Fight was extremely sharp. Our fellow countryman conceded to the owner of gold Dutch Ferree Vertman of only 5 seconds. The swimmer noted that the atmosphere reigned in Rio most that there is an Olympic. The beach where passed competitions, was very well prepared. The Brazilian hooligans about whom wrote many mass media, to our athlete did not meet. Now the prize-winner of the World Cups and Drattsev Eugenie intends to prepare for the next international competitions and hopes to fight for awards of already following Olympic Games which will take place to Tokyo in the 2020th year.

"Personally I any alarm did not feel p. Everywhere there was a protection, at us only on accreditations let. Everywhere everything is protected — police officers, military. And competitions are very well protected. That there any hooligans were, did not see. I will think of continuation of the following Olympic cycle. These are 4 years. And so in a year the World Cup at us on water sports in Budapest" — was told by Drattsev Eugenie, the swimmer on open water, the participant of 2016 Summer Olympics, the Honoured Master of Sports, Candidate of Biology.

Text: "Yaroslaviya's" "State tv and broadcasting company "Yaroslaviya"