To Georgia are able to stop acts of terrorism, as well as to arrange them

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To Georgia acts of terrorism, in the same way, how to arrange them, with the minimum victims or are able to stop a target without. The last case — suppression of act of terrorism on the gas pipeline the North-South on which gas from Russian Federation to Armenia is transported — took the place of honor in a train "planned and stopped" acts of terrorism. Performers are detained, some of them admitted guilt. Traces conduct to Ukraine where performers often ran and where the ex-president Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and his some colleagues so strongly located.

the First target of "acts of terrorism". Attempts "to move away" him were made already twice. In 1995 the group of the armed persons fired at Shevardnadze Edouard therefore some employees of special service of the state protection were lost. The ex-president then did not suffer. One of condemned for commission of this act of terrorism, having left 13,5 years of imprisonment, after release, shared the impressions and reported that Shevardnadze Edouard in the car fired by them at that moment at all was not. Otherwise it would not survive. The former chief of safety was accused of the organization of act of terrorism among others Georgia Giorgadze Igor who, judging by information of the Georgian and Russian mass media, still "disappears" to Russian Federation.

four years Later, in 1999, services of state security Georgia detained one more group planning act of terrorism against Shevardnadze Edouard. This time to terrorists to put the plan in action did not work well and did without victims. It was reported that the detained group coped from abroad, and in its arsenal there were the modern automatic weapon with a riflescope, mines, grenades, grenade launchers …

"Acts of terrorism" or "attempts of their organization" — in world practice a quite good method of a dethronement of political opponents — both in the country, and beyond its limits. It the former authorities well understood Georgia.

during board Mikheil Saakashvili to Georgia made a number of acts of terrorism. One of the first — explosion at the building of district police in Gorey, thundered on February 1, 2005. Then 5 people (3 police officers and 2 passersby) were lost and 20 people suffered.

the representative of the president Of that time Georgia in Sheed's region of Kartli Kareli Mikhail and a post of the Minister of Defence holding during this period Okruashvili Irakly unanimously christened the incident "act of terrorism" and unambiguously hinted that the organization of explosion could be only in interests "the Ossetian separatists" and Russian Federation.

It were only hints which to South Ossetia directly apprehended in the address, and official representatives of South Ossetia authorities instantly reacted to them and called all charges by absurdity.

the minister Of that time South Ossetia on special affairs Chochiev Boris assured the authorities Georgia that Ossetians never were enemies the Georgian, and urged them to look for true responsible for the incident, and "not to use similar tragic incidents and a grief of people in the mercenary political goals, for kindling of international discord".

the History with acts of terrorism gained the loud development in 2010 when in three months in the country thundered the whole 5 explosions: On September 22 — buildings of Embassy of United States of America, on October 2 and 22 — on the railroad, and on November 28 — the whole two explosions in one day — at office of the Labour party and in Mukhiani's inhabited massif on the suburb Tbilisi. At office of labourists as a result of this act of terrorism the woman was lost.

on December 4 Ministry internal affairs Georgia arrested "alleged perpetrators of the terrorist acts" — Arkany Gogita, Abuladze Jony, Nikolava Mariam, Khurtsilava Gochu, Arkany Goderdzi and Lela Khurtsilava Gochu.

Operation which was planned by these "group of terrorists" to Georgia were christened by "Enver-2" and called "the next fiasco of GRU", having already directly pointed to "customer" — Russian Federation. Moreover, the Georgian consequence "established" also chief "coordinator" of this group — the Russian major Borisov Eugenie, according to the Georgian party, serving during this period in Abkhazia. And the main perpetrator of the terrorist acts brought the inhabitant of the Galsky area Abkhazia Arkany Gogit who in the confession reported how "there was him a major Borisov Eugenie" as Borisov Eugenie with the weapon and instructions as threatened with punishment for non-execution of acts of terrorism …

Moreover, the deputy minister of internal affairs of that time Georgia Zguladze Catherina supplied them declared that this group prepared new acts of terrorism and had in the arsenal 13 of "infernal cars".

Unlike the period of board Mikheil Saakashvili, today to Georgia explosions do not sound, but to society periodically report about prevention of attempts of acts of terrorism.

the Next message on the stopped act of terrorism was heard to Georgia in June, 2013. Ministry internal affairs Georgia declared detention of two foreigners, Kadiev Mikail and Omarov Rizvan who are suspected of preparation of act of terrorism.

In the apartment where there lived suspects, found explosives, firearms, electrodetonators and false identity cards. TV companies showed frames of expeditious shooting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where the Russian passports were obviously visible, than unambiguously pointed to "origin" and nationality of organizers of act of terrorism. Investigating authorities Georgia reported p to

also that Kadiev Mikail who was declared by Russian Federation in search through INTERPOL, lived in the territory Georgia since 2011, but periodically left borders of the country. This fact had to suggest an idea of complicity to terrorists from the former authorities which have covered Kadiev Mikail in the territory. to

of the Last, at present, information on suppression of large act of terrorism.

"The department of counterintelligence of Service of state security on August 20, 2016, after work continued some months, on the fact of group preparation of act of terrorism and illegal acquisition storage, carrying firearms, ammunition and explosives with the terrorist purposes, and also the help in commission of the same crime detained 5 citizens Georgia: To Beck B., Vladimira R., Mindiyu V., to Dzhab M. and Nukri H. Except these persons, on the fact of excess of office powers the acting employee of patrol force Levan M. is detained. and for the non-notification about a crime — the citizen Georgia Okruashvili Irakly to B." — it is spoken in SGB message.

according to a consequence, these persons prepared explosion of the pipe passing over the river Aragvi around the village of Saguramo and for this purpose on August 20 went to forest area near Zhinvali-Shatili Highway to take the weapon and explosives from the hiding place which was in this wood. They were detained at the moment when stacked the explosive devices withdrawn from a hiding place and explosives in the car.

the Georgian military expert Vakhtang Maisaya who in conversation with the Georgian mass media gave to this fact qualification of political terrorism instantly responded To SGB message and explained that political destabilization to Georgia was the purpose of blasting the gas pipeline.

according to other Georgian expert Mamuka Areshidze Mamuk, the purpose of organizers of act of terrorism was discredit of the present Government of Georgia and demonstration of that the situation in the country is controlled by concrete political force.

He referred to the post published in social networks certain Nadiradze Vano, apparently, the Georgian fighter about Ukraine who complained that to Tbilisi detained those who helped them with fights in Ukraine. Proceeding from this post, Areshidze Mamuk drew the conclusion, what political force could organize such act of terrorism.

"I would not call this political force if not a binding which appeared in a social network — a post certain Nadiradze Vano where it is written that "detained ours to Tbilisi". It is very interesting fact, but nevertheless there is no wish to represent that being in Ukraine people so ogoltel that can be ready to do anything if only to reach political results to Georgia" — Areshidze Mamuk developed the thought.

It did not exclude p that them used and behind them there is certain third force.

Kvirikashvili Georgy who expressed gratitude to state security Service for very effective work Responded to the fact of suppression of act of terrorism and the prime minister Georgia.

"I want to use a case and to express gratitude to all those people who participated in this operation as very big trouble was prevented. Carrying out such timely and effective action" is very important — the prime minister declared.

Proceeding from interests of investigation, at this stage it refrained from further comments and urged all to wait for results of investigation.

regnum author Inashvili Irina