In offer treatment for 800 euros
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Our compatriots do not refuse improving rest in the European resorts, however even more often make a choice for the budgetary locations. As tour operators speak, the choice of the resort is influenced by two major factors – specialization of medical institution and final cost of round. Today in favourites at Russians improving resorts Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Belarus.

According to experts "Conduct Round of Groups" , the Russian tourists still willingly go on treatment on resorts Hungary and Czech Republic. To Hungary it is the resort Heviz of which about 90% of all arrivals, and also Sarvar, Balatonfüred and Tapolca are the share. The average cost of 10-day round at placement in hotel 3 * - about 700 euros for the person. Placement in good "four" will cost from 1000 euros for the person above. Thus, as note in the company, many tourists instead of hotel 4 habitual for them * take 3*.

As always, in a demand trend the Czech resorts. Operators note that became three-week trips" less. The average cost of improving package round to Czech Republic for two weeks with a full board and treatment begins from 850 euros with the person. "This year many sanatoria felt on themselves shortage of tourists in this connection significantly reduced cost. So in many hotels cost remained same as last year, or decreased. It concerns cost in euro", - noted in "Conduct Round of Groups".

In "NTK" say Intourist to b that as a whole demand for the Czech resorts remains at the level of last year. "The tendency of recession of interest to Karlovy Vary and interest increase to Mariana Lazni and Yakhimov continues to be observed", - note in the company.

Kameneva Catherina, the head of department tour operator of BSI group considers that demand for improving resorts was redistributed. The total of the tourists who are interested in improving rest, remained approximately at the same level, but some tourists because of a high exchange rate were reoriented on more budgetary resorts. "For example, popularity of improving resorts grew by 15% Hungary. To Hungary very high level of improving services at the small cost of improving and medical tourist's packages", - is told by her. At the same time, according to the expert, the number of the tourists choosing for improving rest Slovenia that is connected with higher cost of round, than to Hungary or Slovakia decreased.

Search of more budgetary locations forced to pay attention of Russians to those countries which still were not in demand in a segment of medical and improving tourism. For example, Romania or Greece. About increase in demand at resorts Romania, for example, "Euphoria the North" where it is possible to have a rest on the sea and to undergo treatment, tell in "Russian Express" to . B "MUZENIDIS TRAVEL" approve by , that among the Greek resorts tourists prefer b to Aridey, Lutraki and the islands of Euboea. In the company note the increased demand for specialized medical programs – such, for example, as medical rehabilitation or preventive diagnostics of an organism. The average check for one-day balneal programs to Greece with visit of thermal sources reaches about 30-40 euros, on rehabilitation – about 150 euros, on diagnostics – 200-400 euros.

From the countries Commonwealth of Independent States traditionally is in the lead Belarus, despite small rise in prices. As Sharov Dimitri told, the director general of Multitur Group , the average cost of round in sanatorium with treatment for two the person with placement in 2-seater standard number this year increased by 3-5%. If in September of last year it made 3 000 rubles, this year - 3 100 rubles. "There are sanatoria which almost did not raise the price, but such it is not enough. The rise in price is connected, including, and with rise in prices for food and services as a whole", - the expert speaks.

As for expensive directions of medical and improving tourism, operators note stable sales among regular customers and essential decrease in number of new tourists in this segment.

As the head of department told France and Switzerland tour operator of BSI group Brodskaya Natalia, to France the resorts of Vichy, Biarritz, Saint-Malo, Évian, from the Swiss resorts the most popular – Bud Ragats and Leykerbad are in stable demand. As a rule, constant tourists go from year to year on the same resort.

That influences a resort choice

According to the majority of participants of the market, a choice of the improving resort influence, first of all, specialization, then, undoubtedly, round cost. Among others "agents of influence", - a set of medical services, a hotel or sanatorium rating.

"There are categories of clients which go on the price and reserve sanatoria more simply, than is admissible a year ago", - note in "NTK Intourist". Yermakova Helena pays attention to such factor as a package of procedures. "Somewhere it can be 3-4 procedures a day which enter cost, and somewhere the package is paid in addition. Now choose placement with a package of entering improving procedures more. And if went all family, now on 1 or 2 persons" earlier, - the expert speaks.

Depth of booking and duration of trips

Experts pay attention that the majority of tourists who go on medical resorts, returnable, and go to such rounds annually. So, depth of bookings of such rounds averages 3-4 months. On resorts Hungary tourists usually go for 12-14 nights, combinations are Very popular: 12-14 nights in the resort of %2B 2/3 nights Budapest/Vienna.

To Czech Republic programs with the maximum number of procedures, so-called "complex treatment" are in the greatest demand.

As for Belarus, booking, on the average, happens for 2-3 months forward. As Sharov Dimitri speaks, it is a lot of the tourists, wishing to reserve round some days before the trip beginning. "And in this case numbers of desirable category it can not appear available. Though in inter-season period everything is confirmed rather not bad", - he notes. According to the expert, standard rounds with a basic set of medical procedures are in the greatest demand. Generally cost includes procedures of mud cure, a balneolecheniye, hydrotherapy, electrotreatment, phototherapy, inhalations, etc. In all sanatoria for an additional fee it is possible to get procedures which do not enter a basic package. And also it is possible to get specially developed programs of treatment.

Resorts France and Switzerland are reserved on the average in a month - one and a half though "high dates" are reserved beforehand. As Kameneva Catherina from BSI group notes, as a whole rounds with a departure in 5-7 days are even more often made out. "It is a pity that thus clients often cannot get any more to the planned hotel for the banal reason of lack of places, and it is necessary to find alternative options", - she notes.

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Kameneva Catherina
Sharov Dimitri
Brodskaya Natalia
Yermakova Helena