2016 Summer Olympics: Makhneva Margaret: professionals of the business in any situation have to achieve success

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on August 20, Rio de Janeiro / BELTA/Correspondent. Professionals of the business in any situation have to achieve success, such opinion was expressed after performance on the Olympic rowing channel in Rio at a distance of 500 m in a female kayak four by the Belarusian Makhneva Margaret, the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta".

Four years ago the Belarusian team as a part of Pomelova Irina, Lepeshko Nadezhda, Khudenko Olga and Litvinchuk Marina also could become the third in a kayak four.

In bronze crew of 2016 Makhneva Margaret acted already. In a collection of a female quartet there are a lot of medals of various advantage. Including gold of the World Cup of 2015 Makhneva Margaret, an award from Rio de Janeiro the most expensive stroke Belarusians.

"If at girlfriends on crew already the second pedestal of Games in career, at me is the first Olympic medal which is very expensive to me. It cannot be put in one row with other prizes. Especially, considering as we prepared for the Olympic Games to Brazil. With us there was no our trainer Galitsky Gennady, doctors, the massage therapist. All this, of course, did not add forces, but very much motivated. We prepared four years for this start, and is glad that everything at us turned out. We are professionals, and in any situation have to remain them", - Makhneva Margaret noted.

Now the double bronze prize-winner Igr in rowing on kayaks and a canoe Khudenko Olga emphasized that during final arrival the quartet could be higher in the final protocol. "We give all the best completely. Believe, directed all efforts, put all the abilities and diligence on these 500 meters. Bronze medal of Games - the worthy result of our performance in "Lagoon", - was told by her.

Despite the lack of a trainer's staff of the Belarusian team on rowing on kayaks and a canoe to Rio de Janeiro, Belarusian grebchikhi noted high professionalism of a health service of an Olympic team led by Zagorodny Gennady ". The massage therapist worked with us from a clinic constantly, paid all attention. Also trainers who arrived with us instead of mentors from the national team, Radomsky Igor and Kilkov Youri supported and tried to help with a course of preparation for each race", - Makhneva Margaret noted.

the Bronze medal of a female kayak four at 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio became only at oarsmen. Earlier Litvinchuk Marina took the fourth place in a kayak single on 1000 m, and together with Lepeshko Nadezhda finished the sixth in the final on 500 m.

the Men's national team Belarus on rowing on kayaks and a canoe to Brazil did not make a speech as p at summer Games because of discharge of athletes, a trainer's staff of the national team and the medical personnel International federation of canoe racing on the suspicion based on one assumptions, in use of the forbidden preparations.

Nadezhda Lepeshko
Last position: The professional athlete on rowing on kayaks and a canoe
Makhneva Margaret
Pomelova Irina
Khudenko Olga
Litvinchuk Marina