Кровь борца и золото ямайского молодца – в мгновениях 14-го дня

Прыжки с шестом без Исинбаевой, кровавая медаль Гедуева, новые победы синхронисток и Усейна Болта – в фотомгновениях 14-го дня Игр-2016.
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Championship» , more details in our Terms of Service
Helena Isinbaeva
Last position: President (Charity fund Elena Isinbayevoy)
Yekaterini Stefanidi
Last position: The professional athlete on pole vaults
Mikhail Surenovich Aloyan
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Marianna Pakhon Londonyo
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing