In Mexico picturize "Sad whores" Márquez

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the Movie according to the novel of the live classic will tell about love of the 90-year-old journalist to the 14-year-old virgin

B Mexico the last novel of the Nobel winner of the Colombian Garsiya Gabriel Márquez "Will be picturized remembering my sad whores".

the Movie of coproduction Spain, and Denmark will remove Mexico, located in 120 kilometers from the capital of the country Mexico. The screen version the Danish director Karlsen Khenning , known as the director and the screenwriter of the movie "Hunger" shot in 1966 will carry out 82-year . The scenario is written to by Jean-Claude Carier , working over scenarios of movies Bunyuel Louis, Forman Milosh, Folkera Shlyondorfa .

according to one of producers, Rekuel Gvadkhardo's , in the movie will recruit the Mexican and Spanish actors.

"Remembering my sad whores" — the last today Márquez's novel. It represents reflections of the old newspaper columnist whose was died not really happily. It was never married. In youth, having been frightened to connect the life with one woman, simply was not under a wreath. Many years he visited the same brothel, preserving itself against attachment to women. All life it propabotal in one newspaper, composing columns for Sunday number and the review of concerts of local and visiting musicians.

So it lived p till ninety years. The hero decides to celebrate day of the birth at night of "mad sex" with the young virgin. The old man goes to a brothel where he is waited by true love what at it never in life was. The girl is 14 years old, in the novel almost it is told nothing about her. During meetings with the old journalist, she simply sleeps. Or pretends that sleeps. And he does not decide to disturb it. The old man himself thinks out for it its reactions to these or those events, guesses, what music is pleasant to it, mentally creates its image what it will be through ten, twenty years. He falls in love. Falls in love really, suffering, testing torments. It is a sad story, but at the same time light because the love which has happened at the end of life fills existence of the old man by sense.

the Novel was published by p in October, 2004 and immediately became the best-seller in the Spanish-speaking world. At this novel hard destiny. A month before its official presentation book "pirates" stole the manuscript and started in sale. The writer in response to it changed the novel final. Million circulation was bought up for record-breaking short term. The piracy fakes, which most part were confiscated by police, now the hunting subject for collectors

Release of Russian translation of the book too did not do without adventures. The novel was published by ONLINE publishing house, but the translator of the novel Sinyanskaya Ludmila , answering reproaches of many readers in untidiness of the edition, reported that book editing was not coordinated with it. By words Sinyanskaya Ludmila, the publishing editor changed some fragments of the text without her permission. Nevertheless the book became the best-seller and to Russian Federation.

"joint venture" Reference:

Now the writer has some unpublished works, and also almost complete book about love "We will meet in August" which has to appear at the end of 2009.

B the 2006th writer in interview to the Spanish La Vanguardia edition told that is not going to write more, in particular, readers will not see the second volume of its memoirs (the first left in the 2001st).

B Garsiya Gabriel Márquez in interview to the Spanish La Vanguardia edition told 2006 that is not going to write more, in particular, readers will not see the second volume of its memoirs (the first left in the 2001st). He declared that for last year " for the first time for all the life did not write lines ".

of its the literary agent Carmen Balsells confirmed with p words of the writer, having told: " Ya very much I doubt that Márquez will write something else ".

Márquez's Biographer Martin Gerald as made p then the statement that the writer is not ready and already hardly will be ever ready to the publication of new work. " Ya I do not think that it is worth regretting for it. Simply Márquez's destiny developed so that his literary career ended much earlier, than his course of life " — added Martin Gerald.

Nevertheless at the end of 2008 Márquez reported that works over a new love story. The prose writer specified that the temporary pause in his creativity was connected not with absence of inspiration, and with shortage of enthusiasm. " U me never was problems with a plot. Simply people began to notice that I any more do not put in the works heart and soul " — Márquez told.

Garsiya Gabriel Márquez was born p on March 6, 1927 in the Colombian town Aracataca (Department of Magdalena). At the age of 12 years Garsiya Gabriel got a grant and began study in Jesuit college of the town Zipaquira, in 30 km to the North from Santa Fe de Bogota. Having interrupted study before term, in 1950, decided to devote itself to journalism and literature. In 1961 it has a story "Nobody Writes the Colonel", in 1966 — the novel "Bad Hour". The world fame to it was brought by the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967). In 1982 the writer got the Nobel Prize on literature. Formulation of the Nobel committee: "For its short stories and short stories in which the fantastic and real is combined in richly arranged world of imagination, reflecting life and the continent conflicts".

B 1989 doctors found in the writer a cancer tumor in lungs which probably was a consequence to its addiction to smoking — behind work it smoked on three packs of cigarettes in day. After operation in 1992 the illness stopped. But the writer continued to have problems with health. Medical research in 1999 revealed at it other form of a cancer — to a limfor. After it it was necessary to undergo two most difficult operations to United States of America and Mexico and a long course of treatment

B published 2002 the first book from the biographic trilogy planned by the author — "To live to tell about life" which in the Spanish-speaking world became the best-seller. The book is written in a genre of "magic realism".

In August, 2004 Márquez sold to p the rights for the screen version of the novel "Love in the Time of Cholera" of the Hollywood movie company "Stone Village Pictures". The budget of the movie made 40 million dollars. Shootings took place in 2006 in Cartagena (de Indias), on the Caribbean coast Colombia.

Garsiya Gabriel
Karlsen Khenning
Bunyuel Louis
Forman Milosh
Sinyanskaya Ludmila