In fauna

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Selection of the most interesting pictures of the animals taken in zoos and reserves of the world for the last some weeks.

Seal the Colony of seals at the river coast Stor near the city of Ramsgate in County of Kent, England. Monkey the Monkey runs across the road in the final of highway cycle race at the summer 2016 Summer Olympics, Brazil. Lioness the Lioness drinks water in the London zoo in the World day of lions which is celebrated on August 10. Sunflower the Bee collects pollen on sunflower on a flower farm of Serakogen Nojo in Cera, Japan. Annually in August on a farm passes a festival of blossoming sunflower of Himawari Matsuri. Frigate the Frigate over the island Municipality of Senglea Konta in Mexico. Oozy jumper the Oozy jumper photographed during outflow on the coast in Province of West Kalimantan in Indonesia. Poultry market the Owl in a poultry market in Surabaya, Province of East Jawa, Indonesia. The British organization Traffic which is engaged in monitoring of trade in wild animals, called the government Indonesia to take drastic measures concerning dealers in birds as a result of which activity some bird species can appear on the verge of disappearance. In five markets in three cities East and Province of Central Java was found about 23 thousand birds. Manatee One of two manatees who were born in the Zoo Singapore, after moving to the new house in overseas department France, Guadeloupe where these mammals appeared on the verge of extinction. Herd of elephants Herd of elephants in the north Kenya. The world day of elephants is celebrated on August 12. Toucan the Toucan with printed on 3D - the printer a beak artificial limb in the zoo Zoo Ave in Alajuela, Rick Kost. The bird about a year lived with the broken beak. Saigas the Photo of the saigas which has taken the second place at an ecological photo contest of BMC Ecology Image Competition 2016. The lost deer the Deer who was lost, having got confused in a fence from the barbed wire, the constructed Slovenia to control flows of migrants. There are fears that construction of similar fences will have pernicious effect on the number of populations of lynxes, bears and wolves. Wolf and brown bear the Wolf and a brown bear in the taiga woods Finland. Pandas the Panda with the cub in park of the wild nature in Shanghai, China. To the first cub of a panda who was born in the Shanghai center of studying of pandas, one month was executed.