The Kubana festival desperately fights for a survival

@Gazeta "Metro"
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"The festival with a hard lot" again took place on the Riga island

The Kubana festival desperately fights for a survival

Alina Veis

the Photo fights for a survival":

Many music fans remember p such ambiguous action as the musical Kubana festival. A year ago, after event for a number of reasons could not hold in Kaliningrad, organizers moved on Lutsavsal's Riga island where directly and "Kubana" this year took place.

Traditionally first day began p with the anthem of a festival and a part of the organizer and the producer Ostrovsky Ilya.

As there took place opening read here: Musicians started "lighting" in the first day of the KUBANA festival in Riga

In spite of the fact that weather in Riga not especially promotes this summer traditional festival moods (air temperature hardly exceeds at night %2B5), especially ardent fans of music did not despair and all the same placed in the field of tent.

– the Majority of guests here come not on headliners, namely on "Kubana", - noted during a press conference the producer of a festival Ostrovsky Ilya.

Despite presence of constant guests, visitors this year frankly have not enough

, and not only Russians that it would be possible to explain with difficulties with which wishing from Russian Federation can face at entrance to EU – need of receipt of a visa, and also rather high prices of accommodation and food.

As it became clear p, locals also the festival not especially interests.

– Latvians at a festival have some. I cannot while to solve secret of the Latvian soul, – Ostrovsky Ilya Bloodhound Gang group which had to act within "Kubana" in 2013 became most shined.

By sight Ostrovsky Ilya, all difficulties which they faced during the stay of a sushcheststvovaniye to Russian Federation directly are connected with policy.

– Problems round a festival were purely political. Now Russian Federation to spit on "Kubana" as she passes out of her territory, - the general producer noted.

Anyway, the festival took place. Elektrokorshchik of Enter Shikari, veterans of the Californian punk of NOFX, the German rockers of Guano Apes, the drummer of legendary Ramones of Brand Ramón stepped on the stage of the island of Lutsavsal. On a post of the special guest Leshchenko this year the Georgian actor and the singer Kikabidze Vakhtang replaced. Performance of hit makers of a subject for the movie about Bond James became the culmination of closing of a festival (which they, by the way, did not execute) Garbage rock group.

of Nesmotrya that the organizer does not cease to hope for the best.

– Give time and all will be, – Ostrovsky Ilya summed up. – Even I will deal with weather.
