Российского боксера Тищенко освистали после победы на Олимпиаде

Проигравший в финале казахстанец Левит во время вручения наград пытался успокоить возмущенных зрителей.
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «To Sankt-Peterburg.R» , more details in our Terms of Service
Helena Vesnina
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Rustam Tulaganov
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Iana Yegoryan
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing
Алексей Борисович Черемисинов
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing on rapiers (PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION "MGFSO" MOSKOMSPORTA)
Timur Safin
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing on rapiers