Female calculation. How many still medals Belarusians will win at the Olympic Games?

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in the Ponedelnichny evening Belarus became richer than img src with "https://content.onliner.by/news/970x485/e1ecd66182346fe7cc0957b54a512de0.jpeg" in one Olympic medal. The fighter Gamzatov Dzhavid took bronze. The Olympic Games will come to the end on Sunday. Till this time at our national team is a little obvious and not really opportunities to grow awards. It is remarkable that mostly girls can provide them.

of Mirin Arzamasov

the World champion and in run on 800 meters spent successful last year. In present indicators, of course, not the top. However trainers calm supposedly the sportswoman came to form peak to the Olympic Games and in general everything will be good. In competitors of the Belarusian — African Eunice Dzhepkoyech of Sumy from Kenya and Custer Semenya from South Africa. Fight promises to be frying.

Alina Talay

the Most smiling sportswoman of the republic is very strong this year. At the beginning of June the athlete who has lit at the London Olympic Games established a record Belarus in run on hundred meters with barriers. In the 2015th Alyn won bronze of the World Cup and carried out the while the best season in career. Present on condition of the Olympic medal can become the most successful.

Tikhon Yvan

to the Legend of the Belarusian sports was necessary to struggle not only with rivals, but also representatives Agency. The bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games-2008 was deprived of the medal, however managed to prove own case and to return an award. For the person who had to distract so much from sports, Tikhon Yvan shows good results and now is the main competitor of Poles — leaders of world hammer throw. By the way, to one of them (Pavel Faydek) the Belarusian had an unpleasant situation. After the championship Tikhon Yvan decided to congratulate the competitor on a victory, but that at all did not offer a hand in reply.

the Women's national team on a kayak

our kayak pair as a part of Lepeshko Nadezhda and Litvinchuk Marina already came in a final heat to 500 meters. Though trainers noted that it not the main discipline for the Belarusian women's national team. The main calculation becomes on competitions of the fours. In the world at Belarusians there are not a lot of competitors. Therefore really to count on gold. Especially at the last Games our team was on a pedestal.

Tatyana Holodovich

the Thrower of a spear was not allocated with p on junior and youth levels, however this year development of the sportswoman reached the peak. Three results of the Belarusian are in top-10 the world list – on the 3rd, 5th and 8th lines. It is considered that with Tatyana's indicators really to take the Olympic awards.

of Melitin Stanyut

of the Gymnast have an old and good habit to get to the Olympic prizes. At the last Games bronze was taken by Cherkashina Lyubov. It passed on the baton to the present leader combined Melitina Stanyute. The granddaughter of the national actress of the USSR it is constant on a pedestal. However, becomes more often than the third after the Russian leaders.

the Legendary trainer of our national team Leparskaya Irina yields result for many years. Because there is a sense to wait for a medal and from "gruppovichek".

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