Medal offset of Rio after 10 days of 2016 Summer Olympics
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In medal offset of 2016 Summer Olympics following the results of ten days of competitions Kasakhstan rose by the 15th line, transfers

The first place of a rating is held by the national team of United States of America, at which 26 gold, 23 silver and 25 bronze medals. On the second place United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with 16 gold, 17 silver and eight bronze awards. Further there is China - 15 gold, 14 silver and 17 bronze. Russian Federation in medal offset rose by the fourth position. In a moneybox of Russians - 11 awards of the highest test, 12 - silver and 12 bronze medals.

The Olympic team after 10 days of competitions has Kasakhstan became silver, the weight-lifter Zaychikov Alexander appeared the bronze medallist. Earlier domestic athletes won two "gold" (the weight-lifter Nizhat Rakhimov and the swimmer Balandin Dimitri), two "silver" (the judoist Smetov Yeldos, the weight-lifter Zhazira Zhapparkul and the boxer Levit Vasilii), and also four "bronze" (the athlete Rypakova Olga, the judoist Otgontsetseg Galbadrakh, weight-lifters Farkhad Harki and Goricheva Karina).

Let's note, the Kazakhstan Olympians will be presented on August 16 to Rio de Janeiro in three sports. It is canoe racing, track and field athletics and boxing.