The lesson of the international friendship passed on Sakhalin region on August 9 in the museum "Island of Sakhalin" there took place the international youth meeting

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The lesson of the international friendship passed on Sakhalin region

on August 9 in the museum "Island of Sakhalin" there took place the international youth meeting "Friendship lessons". Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russian Federation) and Sapporo (Japan) acted as organizers of a meeting of youth the Regional CENTER NARODNOGO TVORCHESTVA, the museum of the book of Chekhov "Island of Sakhalin" and Assembly of the people Sakhalin region.

School students and students, representatives of the youth organizations Sakhalin region could communicate in an informal situation. Guests from Sapporo told about traditions of the Ainu people and executed the national dance "Larks". Representatives of the Armenian diaspora acquainted Japanese students with the culture by means of dance and singing. Each of the youth organizations told about the activity on the island. Then, having united behind a table d'hote with traditional Russians tea and pies, participants of a meeting continued communication.

In the conclusion of a meeting youth exchanged national suits, and all were photographed for memory. Organizers told about last action of Pacific information company "Ostrova".