Pouring rains in the north Vietnam led to death of 6 people

@IA Sin'hua
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Hanoi, 15 August/Xinhua / - At least 6 people were lost, one was missing, three more got wounds as a result of pouring rains in the last some days in northern and central regions of Vietnam. About it reported on Monday National committee on prevention and control of natural disasters.


As are reported by the Vietnamese national news agency VNA, in some areas 200-400 mm of the precipitation brought by an intertropical zone of convergence dropped out.

According to committee data, to northern Mountain Province Lao Cai are reported about two victims and one missing person. The floods caused by in northern Province of Dien Bien carried away lives of two children. Two more cases of death of people were recorded to northern Province of Thai Nguyen and the central Province of Thanh Hoa. Thus three persons got wounds as a result of landslides in the province of Yen Bay.

According to the forecast of the Central gidro-meteorological management of Vietnam, pouring rains in northern and central regions will proceed in the next few days. Precipitation in the range of 70-200 mm is expected.

of the Power Hanoi, and also about possibility of a descent of landslides in mountain northern and central regions warn about possible floods in the large cities and districts of the capital.