Strangled and barefoot. People who surprised in the 9th day of Games

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Almost strangled champion, the shooter who has apologized for gold, and the barefoot Ethiopian runner – the main characters of the ninth day of 2016 Summer Olympics.

you will not strangle, you will not kill!

that the Russian fighter Vlasov Roman became the double Olympic champion, anything surprising is not present – it went on the Olympic Games, being the favourite. But as this victory hard was given to Vlasov Roman made by b capture of the Russian through the head and carried out suffocating reception. Vlasov Roman fainted , but he was rescued with that time of the first period ended. Starchevich Bozho demanded to include "touch", but judges were limited to two points. And Vlasov Roman during a break recovered and continued a semifinal duel. In the second period Vlasov Roman under attacks of the rival did not get and brought the matter to a victory, and in the final surely dealt with the Danish fighter Madsen Mark . There is the second gold Vlasov Roman!

the Bronze sail Yelfutina Stefania

20 years at the national team Russian Federation was not the Olympic medals in sailing. But any series sometime breaks. And at the Olympic Games to Brazil the Russian Yelfutina Stefania in improbable fight won a bronze award in windsurfing . At the very beginning of race the Russian sportswoman made a mistake, and the red flag was shown it. Competitors dashed away far forward, but Yelfutina Stefania decided not to give up." I simply thought that I have two options: to be given and wait four more years or after all something to undertake. And then solved: no, four years are too much, I will try now", – told after the finish Yelfutina Stefania. It showed the firm reception – gliding which allowed it to catch up with competitors at a light breeze. As a result Yelfutina Stefania outstripped the main competitor – Flavia Tartalyini - and it appeared on the third place in offset.

the Champion who has apologized for a victory

Dramatic also. Russian the arrows Kamensky Sergei with a big separation won first place following the results of qualification and long time was in the lead in the final. However before the last shot when felt that the victory is close, trembled and gathered only 8,3 points. As a result the Italian Niccolo Campriani gathered b almost one point more and unexpectedly for itself became the Olympic champion. In this situation the miss Kamensky Sergei, and Kampriani's gentlemen's behavior upon termination of the final became surprising not." I apologize for that happened today with Kamensky Sergei. Anyway I would have a silver medal so I am happy with the performance. This madness. Kamensky Sergei had huge advantage in qualification. I think, today he was the best shooter, but rules are rules", – the Italian champion apologized for the gold.

the Barefoot runner

About a year ago we remembered br how Abebe Bikil's from Ethiopia were won by a marathon at the Olympic Games in Rome, having run it barefoot. However, for Bikila lack of footwear was the conscious decision, and in plans of his compatriot Etenesh Diro 56 years later to leave footwear did not enter in any way. However in starting turmoil of running on 3000 meters with obstacles someone from competitors stepped Diro on a heel, and the shipovka slipped from a foot of the sportswoman. She tried to pull it back, but after several unsuccessful attempts removed it finally and ran barefoot. When Diro finished on the seventh place, could not constrain tears, however judges consoled the sportswoman – the special decision it gathered additionally in final running. Tsin Kai Tsin Kai
, made the proposal of the beloved directly on an awards ceremony became br/>

the Chinese who have won both medals, and hearts

One of the brightest episodes of Sunday, of course. The ceremony was not in honor of the groom who at 2016 Summer Olympics already won a bronze award, though the champion title, and in honor of the bride applied for the third in life. The Chinese woman He Zi , won in a diving from a three-meter springboard a silver award, also did not suspect that it is waited by one more surprise. Tsin Kai did not allow the beloved to leave a pedestal, fell by a knee, made a declaration of love and made to her a proposal of marriage, on what Zi agreed.

Source: "Championship"