Borsch: it would not be desirable to get in a quarterfinal to China or United States of America

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About matches of a group stage of volleyball tournament of the Olympic Games, prospects in a playoffs - in conversation with the expert of "Championship" Pavel Borshch. - In a match of the women's national team Russian Federation to Japanese team there was a replacement binding Pankova Catherina on Vetrova Vera. How estimate Vetrova Vera and how game with its exit to a platform changed?
- As the match was won by b, it is necessary to recognize a debut successful. Vetrova Vera stabilized game, it became more clear to forwards that will occur on a grid. But at the same time game became also simpler. Vetrova Vera on the technical capabilities can interact with the first speed - to play much and qualitatively, I know it precisely. However all game was transferred to Goncharova - Vetrova Vera provided it quality of transfer in order that Natasha extended a party ending actually alone. The exit Vetrova Vera was successful, but it would be desirable to wish and it, and to Pankova Catherina not to forget about the first speed. At us good central which can and have to bring to team many points in attack. Kosheleva and Goncharova can not suffice us with teams above level.

- And nevertheless, what occurred in an ending of the second party?
- Slackness. We lost all second set - 1:5, 5:10. Japanese caught spirit, and with an exit Vetrova Vera to our team game just managed to be adjusted. We made even at 18:18 and had four setbola - 24:20. Mistakes on reception, mistakes in attack - differently as slackness it to call difficult. In attack in a meeting with Japanese we looked not really fine - the percent shown by our leaders, are insufficiently good. It is clear that Japanese volleyball players defended fantastically is there was their best match in protection, even for them who have got used to such game. Mitigation by the block and ball lifting in protection in any point of a platform with the subsequent doigrovka was their tactics. In the first party Marichev Youri asked girls to throw off in the platform center because there it was empty. There it was empty, and our volleyball players started throwing off, but as a result the ball never concerned a platform - jet Japanese reached, reached and lifted. We brought an ending of the second party to ourselves. Positive moment such: brought - corrected. It is psychologically very difficult to keep when you conduct 24:20, with you catch up and game passes into a swing. Our little girls managed it. With character and stability at this team everything is all right.

Character character, but to us it is important to understand: all teams of the world investigate our game, personally - to Goncharov and Koshelev, know how against them to defend. And the result combined Russian Federation gets to direct dependence on in what state - psychological, physical and technical - there are our two leaders. Because all the others are a small share, "carriers of a shell".

Malova  Anna holds absolutely magnificent tournament. It is on the first place on the reception, the second in protection statistically. Malova  Anna accepts and is protected as the Japanese, it is best of all in the world today, and, having such Libero who provides reception - and it was yesterday! - not to play the first speed guilty. It seems to me, it did not suffice in the second party: it is simple to hammer a ball with the first speed and quietly to disperse. Yes, our binding play more reliably, but it is thus too simple. All game is reduced to "give, Tanya, help out", "give, Natasha, hammer". Everything are ready to it, including Japanese yesterday. Indicative moment: we finished a match the first speed from Fetisova.
U us good central which can and many points in attack have to bring br to team.
- Perhaps, we will surprise all with attacks in the grid center already in a playoffs?
- I Will be happy, if so. But the tendency, unfortunately, is not looked through. These games were given us for preparation and a naigryvaniye of what to strike and beat the rival in a playoffs. We had to designate that the national team in the center plays Russian Federation and China located. In a final match the Russian team will play the first place in an internal meeting with Brazilians. Chinese women at all do not impress - they in an ambush?

- the Chinese team - a riddle. Recently we spoke about the American volleyball players, and I said that the national team of United States of America - a strong team and they have to resolve an issue with an exit in a quarterfinal. As a result they in brilliant style played Brazilians. That there is to the national team China, unclear. Asians won the World Cup - the hardest tournament, instead of raisin pound. Pin Lan prepared the team specially for the Olympic Games, without having gone at all to the Grand Prix final. If it is honest, I thought that they even in group a skating rink will walk on rivals - they have all for this purpose: there is a pronounced leader, there is a put game, the great trainer.
- In a playoffs they pass br either from the third, or from the fourth place. Should we expect absolutely another China in a quarterfinal, the it is more, what, probably, we just on it and get?
- I do not think that Chinese women lose in group specially that they kept a low profile so. Most likely, their real game to them did not come yet. Here a question in other: whether it will come in general? Probably, there were any mistakes in preparation. But while for me the national team China remains to one of the main contenders for gold. I would not like that Russians got in a quarterfinal on Chinese women.

Malova  Anna hold absolutely magnificent tournament. Malova  Anna accepts and is protected as the Japanese, it is best of all in the world today.
- Ideal option - Dutchwomen, agree?
- Yes, it is our client. Now the national team of Netherlands very much added and shows much more substantial game, than on the European selection, world qualification or even in the Grand Prix. But, I think, on an old good tradition, our chances will be high.

- On the agenda in man's volleyball tournament of the Olympic Games on August 13 - a match of the national teams Russian Federation and Poland. What your expectations from this opposition?
- If to draw analogies, here trace a parallel with London and group tournament in those Olympic Games. We go while according to the same schedule.

- As with Americans in group in the 2012th?
- Yes, it is right. Two victories, one defeat, turn out is shaky, shakily. And we lose to 0:2 Americans, we win a match - and we have new team. There is something new, all learn about themselves different good things and start understanding for the sake of what gathered and to what went. Therefore with Poles I consider a match from such position. No matter, what place we will take following the results of a group round. The only team which I would not like to see in rivals combined Russian Federation on a quarterfinal is the national team of United States of America.
- And how Brazilians?
- Brazilians I am not afraid of b. I do not consider that they at home are strong - do not cope with pressure of own tribunes. Last World league once again proved that they are not able to win the house. But this my opinion, both my fears and doubts are interesting to nobody. Coming back to a match with Poland, we can see or not see that national team Russian Federation who will fight for gold. If we see, all will be very glad and from heart a little will go away. If we do not see, too not the sentence because there will be still a match with Iran and will be time and mentally, and in the volleyball plan to adjust such difficult arranged mechanism as the national team Russian Federation.
Anna Malova Photo: Information company "Reuters"

Malova  Anna

Source: "Championship"