Two persons died in road accident

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Two persons died in road accident Foto: NMP dienests For last days as a result of road accident to Latvia were lost two persons, the State police reports.

At 23.10 in the Lautsiyensky volost of Municipality of Talsi on 61 km of Sloka-Talsi Road the man of 1939 rozhd. on the VW Golf car brought down the cyclist who went without reflecting elements. The cyclist which personality is not identified yet, was lost on a scene.

In the Riyebinsky volost Municipality of Riebini at 00.59 on the 30th km of Vilyany-Preyli-Shpogi Road the woman of 1987 rozhd. on the car" Mondeo" made arrival on the pedestrian — the man of 1951 rozhd. which went by a carriageway without reflecting elements. The pedestrian from traumatized on a scene died.

of All for last days to Latvia registered 78 car accidents, 17 more people suffered.