In honor of celebration of anniversary Kastro Fidel in Cuba twisted a 90-meter cigar

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to the Leader of the Cuban revolution in honor of birthday decided to present a 90-meter cigar. According to TV channel"Fox News Channel" Latino, the unusual gift made a torsedor — the master of cigar business — José Castelar.

He specified p: "To twist a cigar I worked for 12 hours per day for ten days". To the torsedor — 72 years. For production of a gift it needed about 80 kilograms of the Cuban tobacco. Kastelar considers this tobacco Castelar in Havana recorded the cigar sizes for Kastro Fidel. Data already sent to administration of the Guinness Book of Records, that a tax to a record.

Kastro Fidel does not smoke p more than 30 years, he gave up smoking because of problems with health.

Kastro Fidel was born p on August 13, 1926 in Oryente's Cuban province. The young Cuban leader came to the power in 1959 when the dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown. In 2006 because of problems with health Kastro Fidel temporarily delegated the power to the brother Raul Modesto Kastro Rus who then fully led the country in 2008.

of the Photo © AP Photo/Alex Castro

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