In Cuba in honor of birthday Kastro Fidel twisted a 90-meter cigar

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Cuban José Castelar — one of the krutilshchik of cigars most known in the world — made a cigar of 90 m and devoted the record to the 90 anniversary of the leader of the Cuban revolution Kastro Fidel.

For cigar production it needed 80 kilograms of a tobacco leaf, reports Information company "RIA Novosti".

Castelar in 2011 twisted a cigar of 81,8 m that was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. The train of world records began for Cueto in 2001 — then he twisted a cigar 11,04 m long, in two years length of the cigar twisted by it was already 14,86 meters, in 2005 — 20,41 m, in 2008 — 45,38 m. All these records were recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.
