Conditions, approximate to the fighting. Russians beat the national team Japan

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the Group stage of volleyball tournament in the Olympic Games moves to end. In the fourth round of the Russian Japan. To Brazilians and the Russians who have issued throughput tickets in a quarterfinal still on end of the third game day on the Olympic volleyball tournament of women, after morning and day game sessions of day of the fourth Serbians, Dutchwomen and Americans joined. It is not very clear yet how teams will be distributed on the first lines in group B, but that they will be on from what leave in a playoffs - precisely. The Serbian national team in remarkable style played Chinese women in the very first match of day. Wards of L of An unlike Ping , apparently, sat up with b on start a little. Or are so sure of itself that are ready to leave from the fourth place in group and to play the first round a playoffs with Russian Federation or Brazil. The national team of Netherlands continues to win the hearts of Brazilians non-European emotionality, passion and spirit. And still sincerity. After a match with representatives Puerto Rico, won with the score 3:0, binding "oranyes" Laura Dyekema honestly admitted: "We played not really, but as is. But it is effective!" Honestly, what difference, what for the account in parties in a meeting with the inveterate outsider in group? In a week nobody will remember it, and an exit in a quarterfinal - here it, in a pocket at Dutchwomen.

the National team Japan, for a minute, the bronze prize-winner of the London Olympic Games. And in their structure girls who remember what it - to stand on a pedestal suffice. And that they thus listened to the Brazilian anthem, anything does not mean - at Japanese volleyball magnificent history - not less nice. And now the Asians having huge heritage and school, continue to play the, endemic volleyball. Do not like to play from the national team Japan neither jumping Brazilians, nor atletichny Russians and Americans, the Serbians balanced on all indicators and Chinese women - this team is unique, even when loses. And she often, however, at the Olympic Games loses now it means nothing, understand, why.

the National team Japan, having huge heritage and school, continues to play the, endemic volleyball.

Marichev Youri did not begin to recede from chosen even before start of the Olympic Games of option of the main structure - Pankova Catherina and Goncharova Natalia , Shcherban Ian and Kosheleva Tatyana , Zaryazhko Irina and Fetisova Irina , Malova  Anna - Libero. And here Masayosi Manab left in a stock the main binding Haruka Miyashita, from first minutes to give in Tashiro went Cannes.
Olympic Games. Volleyball. Rio de Janeiro, on August 12
China - Serbia - 0:3 (19:25, 19:25, 22:25)
Netherlands - Puerto Rico - 3:0 (25:14, 25:22, 25:16)
United States of America - Italy - 3:1 (25:22, 25:22, 23:25, 25:20).
Also in the starting six left Ury Nabey's doigrovshchik - to a match from the national team Russian Federation it in a basis on a platform did not appear. For the rest - habitual Japanese volleyball names: Mia Nagaoka in a diagonal, Haruyo Shimamur and Araki Eric on the block, Sato Aris - Libero. And, of course, the captain - grandiose Saori Kimura.

the Beginning was given almost equal, with small advantage of Russians which should be defended at once a video review. Disputable ball played almost minute, and it should be noted three tremendous rescue performed by Malova  Anna - as a result, having in turn tried all the forwards, Pankova Catherina threw off itself - 7:4. Having scored couple more of breykovy points, Russians nevertheless, woke "animal" in Japanese - at those giving departed. Shcherban Ian started having again problems in reception, and Kosheleva Tatyana - in attack. Three blocks in a row on the Russian prima as an indicator of competent and thoughtful analysis of game Kosheleva Tatyana. From advantage there were a little, only two points - 12:10, but about Goncharova Natalia Japanese, appear, did not try to consult at all. Only that also it was necessary to that, Goncharova Natalia attacked from all possible zones for her role. Certainly, volleyball players combined Japan worked in protection very much, moved incredibly quickly and in any mysterious way constantly appeared on a place where the ball, has to fall to a fraction of a second earlier. Such game of rivals exhausts - about what spoke the day before Kosheleva Tatyana, admitting that very much does not like to play against Asian teams.
the Problem of the first party was finally solved by br on giving Zaryazhko Irina with whom Japanese hardly coped. While they resolved these issues, the Russian block and Kosheleva Tatyana with Shcherban Ian in attack were taken by points - 22:11. At the end traditional double replacement: Vetrova Vera and Malygina Darya , and also Yezhova Helena to the back line instead of Kosheleva Tatyana - Russian Federation - 25:14 helped to finish a set in favor of the national team.

Left in the middle of the first party the main binding combined Japan Miyashita remained on a platform and on the second, and in a diagonal appeared Ishii Yuki. And the set began with excellent giving performed by Miyashita thanks to which Russians moved - 3:0. Zaryazhko Irina for Kimura were succeeded to act by means of the block, but the following Japanese giving compelled Marichev Youri to use the right for a timeout - 5:1. The timeout helped, and Russians caught up very quickly, and too in one arrangement - on giving with Kosheleva Tatyana, thanks to the block and attacks Goncharova Natalia. Equal game was given up hard exhausting work in protection and infinite transfers of a ball - that which is adored by Japanese and which the Russian volleyball players are afraid. In such volleyball the national team Japan felt as a small fish in water, and the account on a board convincingly proved it - 10:5.

At the score 12:7 Marichev Youri makes direct replacement binding, game was entered by Vetrova Vera. After sjyoma Goncharova Natalia Shcherban Ian, tested some unpleasant the moments at a meeting with the Japanese block, tries to be rehabilitated on giving and earns couple of breykovy balls. The national team slowly starts catching up with Russian Federation, on August 12

of the Woman. Group A
Russian Federation - Japan - 3:0 (25:14, 30:28, 25:18). .

the Score was evened by the same Shcherban Ian - eysy - 18:18, and Manab hastened to take a break. It did not work, Shcherban Ian continued to complicate reception to Japanese, and Goncharova Natalia resolved an issue of doigrovochny attacks - 20:18. Discount Vetrova Vera, a mistake in arrangement combined Japan, eys Fetisova Irina - 23:19. Think, on it everything ended? If! having felt that it's done, Russians stopped - to Japanese only it was and it is necessary, and from four setbolov our team there was one moreover and both video viewings burned down - 24:23. And in the following draw the score was at all evened: as well as it is necessary, it was infinite, this draw. On balance it is possible to consider as the heroine of game safely Malova  Anna, her work in protection allowed Kosheleva Tatyana to hammer a decisive ball - 30:28.
the Third set begins br with a celebration of the Russian block - 7:4. Importance of this element increased many times because to hammer the Japanese did not give. Nevertheless, to hold similar concentration which was necessary demonstriroat in protection to an Asian team, difficult. And in attack at girls mistakes whereas Russians powerfully poddavili, in addition having lifted couple of the hardest balls in secure fell down. The national team Russian Federation earned breaks also by giving, coming off competitors everything is farther - 19:13. Some difficulties arose at our girls with sjyomy in the ending of a set (and it was already clear, as a match), however Japanese fired at all misses in attack, having presented points to competitors on a dish. And the end to game was put by Fetisova Irina, attack by the first speed - 25:18. Source: "Championship"
Юрий Николаевич Маричев
Last position: Head coach (SRO FSO "BK "PROTON")
Natalia Goncharov
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "VK DINAMO (MOSKVA)")
Iana Shcherban
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "VK DINAMO (MOSKVA)")
Tatyana Koshelev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball in Galatasaray club (Turkey)