The Armenian weight-lifter got a terrible trauma at 2016 Summer Olympics. Video

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. The terrible injury of a hand was got by the weight-lifter from Armenia Karapetyan Andranik during performance at 2016 Summer Olympics.

the 20-year-old athlete twisted an elbow joint in the opposite direction, having unsuccessfully lowered a bar. It pushed a 195-kilogram bar, and when already started dumping a shell, the audience heard a terrible crunch, and in the face of the athlete tears acted. The elbow of the weight-lifter was developed under an unnatural corner.

The trainer who watched performance of a shtangist, having heard a crunch, clutched at the head. Doctors right there came running to Karapetyan Andranik. As a result of a trauma the Armenian athlete left competitions.

Before tournament Karapetyan Andranik was considered as one of favourites in this weight category. In April, 2016 he already became a champion on weightlifting.

It any more the first case at 2016 Summer Olympics when the participant gets a heavy trauma.

Earlier Dutch cycle racer Annemik van Vlyuten during high-speed race did not manage to drive and crashed into a route border therefore got a fracture of three vertebras and concussion.

Besides, the gymnast from France Samir Said Ait broke a leg during vault execution in qualification competitions. The athlete unsuccessfully landed, having got a double fracture of a shin, and left a hall on a stretcher.

Samir Ait Said
Last position: The professional athlete on rhythmic gymnastics
Karapetyan Andranik