To Sochi hunting for Pokemons will organize on Route "Formula One"

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Virtual monsters managed to get into the museums and even at Route "Formula One" When hunting for Pokemons need to be watched "name" not only at the smartphone screen, but also under feet. Photo: the First wave of the pokemaniya which has overflowed the world, the edge of a reserve and Russian Federation. And though game at us still officially did not leave, but quirky users of smartphones, passing all obstacles, with might and main ransack in search of monsters.

In Krasnodar the first hunters going with smartphones in the wake of virtual victims, it is possible to see literally from the first days as game started in masses. And today on social networks communities of hunters which share councils and secrets will already be organized." Children, I want to tell how to gather much pokebolov and potions. Get on the bus 2E at Musical theater on Red and go to Gavrilov - on the way much pokestopov", - Gridin Andrey "Writes. I went three hours near Seleznev Street. Walked on all pokestopam, level from the fourth to the sixth as a result rose, gathered 40 pokebolov", - Filenko  Anna rejoices.

For uninitiated all this is abracadabra, and for those who in a subject - very valuable information. Hunters will already organize groups, after all as it is sung in a known children's song: "Together cheerfully to walk on open spaces..." And it is necessary to walk - and much.

waiting for the second wave which will inevitably cover the country as soon as Pokemon GO officially leaves at us, the Moscow museums started inviting hunters to themselves at excursion. So, employees the State GMII named after A. S. Pushkina hastened to download the appendix and found out that Pokemons already "seized" the building on Volhonka. About it right there reported in Twitter establishments and called players to the art temple in hope that the attention of hunters will switch over from virtual monsters to real exhibits.

However, in Kuban the staff of the museums a course of capital colleagues yet did not estimate p.

- I in our institution am negative to catching of Pokemons, - the head of department of exhibition activity of the Krasnodar state historical and archaeological memorial estate of a name E speaks. D. Felitsyna Mityaeva Galina. - The museum is a temple of history, here it is necessary to come consciously. We, by the way, develop informative quests which allow to know history better. One of them carried out to time of Night of the museums, and participated in it not only youth.

- At us it is a lot of p interesting and without Pokemons. For example, we carried out a quest during which it was necessary to find a treasure. By means of game participants studied archeology. They ran on the museum, in one hall to them told about treasures and about the one who now gets a find, - the head of marketing of the memorial estate Tikhonenko Lyubov adds. - Since a release of the movie "Diamond Hand" people think that the found treasure draws 25 interest, but now all at all so. Today a half is received by the one who found a hiding place, and a half - the owner of land. And in other hall our employee told participants of a quest about ancient coins.

At the same time in the region there are the organizations, ready to use a novelty for own promoting. Under the motto "What Pokemon Does Not Love a Fast Driving" on the route Sochi the Autodrome where carry out "Formula One" races, decided to organize excursions during which it is possible to hunt on virtual small animals. They will begin in day of an official exit of game to Russian Federation.

- Sochi the Autodrome is open by p for new tendencies. In view of considerable interest of public to Pokemon Go, literally for few days taken leading positions in Google Inc. Play and App Store, we decided to react to hobby for new game, - the PR manager of the organization Rivnaya Tatyana notes. - Within a month at us there will daily take place special "Excursion with Pokemons" on which it is necessary to get the ticket. It is possible to catch half an hour. Pokemons will appear each three minutes, it is also possible to receive pokeboly each three minutes at pokestopa, located on the Main tribune. And after end of the first part of excursion visitors will be able to walk on an autosports complex, to learn everything about Route "Formula One" and about history Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix as an important component of development of motor racing in the country.

Disputes between supporters and opponents of game still do not cease. The first rest on that it no more than the next overindulgence, craze which in some months will be replaced by another.

- We with the friend usually catch p when we come to park or we get stuck in traffic jams. Something it reminds sports orientation. Certainly, we pay attention that occurs round us, and under cars we will not begin to rush to catch even the legendary Pokemon, - the Krasnodar student Inna smiles. - I, by the way, yet did not see any player who, having forgotten, ran out on the route, but every day I observe how people quite consciously go on a red signal of the traffic light. So, I think, you should not shift human problems to Pokemons.

However the known psychiatrist in Kuban, the head of the regional medical center of mental health the doctor of medical sciences Kosenko Victor is not so complacent at all in the estimates.

- Enthusiasm for game gradually passes with p into a sozavisimost, it something like nuclear reaction: the more inhabitants plays, the they attach bigger number of other people to it, - he considers. - It is dangerous especially as game is interwoven into reality. The persons inclined to boundary states of mind, she can lead to a sharpening of alarm, panic states, melancholy, they will worsen mood, there will be a sensation of fear. The Sozavisimost immerses them in the virtual world. The people feeling discomfort in a family, at work which do not have enough attention are fond of games more often, and thus they fill its shortage. Us in the center compulsive gamblers ask for the help also, earlier it there were generally those who lowered money on machine guns or in a casino, today there are also those who is fond of game consoles and Internet poker.

In Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters were developed Meanwhile by methodical recommendations for players in Pokemon GO, and the staff of department even started carrying out master classes on safe catching of monsters. In department ranked an entertainment as new threats as people in search of virtual animals endanger themselves. According to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov, on the one hand, are interesting modern game, and with another - the people who are disconnecting from reality, not paying attention to traffic light signals, get to a risk zone." When thousands people gather in one place and try to divide one pokemonchik is too can lead to a problem. In everything the measure" is necessary, - added Vladimir Puchkov. As told to the correspondent of "RG" in the press service of regional management of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters, to them these recommendations did not arrive yet. At the same time rescuers urge to be careful not only those who catches Pokemons, but also in general all people using smartphones on the street.

Councils to hunters

do not catch monsters near power lines, near substations and other power facilities. Do not climb up high voltage line support, do not open a door of electroinstallations and electroboards. Statistically PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KUBANYENERGO", in a warm season occur the surge in electrotraumatism caused by rough violations of the rules of safety. Unfortunately, every third of these cases - deadly.

Switch off the Pokemon GO appendix when operate the car, go by bicycle or a skateboard.

Cannot break borders of a private property even if the rare virtual animal there lodged. In there is an article 139 "Violation of Inviolability of the Dwelling" by which various punishments - from many thousands penalties before arrest and imprisonment are prescribed. Besides the behavior inadequate to a situation, for example in religious institutions, can be apprehended as hooliganism which is also administratively punishable.

On searches of Pokemons it is better for p to go with friends as in unfamiliar and solitudes it is possible most to fall a victim of the criminal.


the Muscovite appealed in the Moscow departments the REGISTRY OFFICE to register its marriage with the Pokemon Ditto, but to it refused.

To San Francisco shot the student who was bringing together Pokemons in an aquapark. The unknown approached to the guy and shot to it at a back. While there is not clear a cause of offense: the attacking did not try to rob the young man, before murder they did not clash.

of Police Province of Taiwan was succeeded to catch the being wanted violator of the law. It appeared the ardent fan of Pokemon GO. The girl stopped when she brought together monsters directly at a wheel of the scooter. Verification of documents showed that the violator is wanted. It fined 1000 Taiwan dollars and transferred to the staff of prosecutor's office.

the Inhabitant of the town of Hekettstaun (State of New Jersey) on pokestope found two thousand dollars. The player informed police on a find. At the same time to militiamen the message from the person who has lost money to whom them as a result returned arrived.

the Bus driver plying between the Dutch cities Leiden and Alphen aan den Rijn, was dismissed for that played Pokemon GO on a workplace. Passengers caught it.

the 17-year-old boy autist from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who did not leave five years the house, so was fond of Pokemon GO that coped with the fear and went on the street.