The judoist beat, the regbistka marries, water green, urine violet

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Green water and violet urine, the judoist overcome for a medal twice, and a bullet wound of the Belarusian – in the review of okolosportivny events of day.

the Olympic colors of day

On Wednesday at 2016 Summer Olympics were especially popular in Rio de Janeiro two colors – violet and green, and both, strangely enough, representatives of water sports discussed. The French swimmer Lakur Kamil , angry with defeat in the final at a distance of 200 meters freestyle, from something suddenly decided that at the winner of a heat of the Chinese Ian Sun violet urine. It is obvious that Lakur Kamil meant that the swimmer from China in 2014 convicted of application of the forbidden preparation and he was disqualified for three months, but the statement left unsuccessful and generated a number of not too decent jokes on knowledge of the Frenchman.

Green it became popular to Brazil not only because it is one of national flowers of the country. About it started talking in connection with news that water in the pool for a diving unexpectedly changed color with habitual transparent-blue to the muddy-green. Organizers claim that all event is absolutely safe for athletes and business only in absence of necessary amount of bleaching powder in water, and promise to correct misunderstanding. However, if color does not disturb in any way to athletes why slightly not to diversify a kolor of competitions?

Despotism and voluntarism

In the fourth day of the Olympic Games there were at once some curious episodes connected with a ban and restrictions in relation to athletes. For example, the Indian gymnast Deepa Karmakar the trainer placed under house arrest in the Olympic village." It is authorized to talk to Deepa only to parents.
Dirk van Tilekht received some facers that, naturally, to any rules of judo does not correspond, lost the mobile phone, but for the second time defended the award. I do not want blockquote that it lost a spirit. Yes, it has a birthday soon, but it can wait. On it are laid hopes", – the mentor declared. Karmakar it was selected in a final in a vault and will compete with Paseka Maria .

Athletes from North Korea already won two silver medals in heavy athletics, however hardly they will receive any gifts and preferences from organizers of Games. For example, heads of delegation withdrew mobile phones from all representatives of North Korean team which are handed over by the Samsung company to all participants of the Olympic Games. It is interesting the matter is that phones are made in South Korea, or what athletes gifts, especially should not distract the so magnificent?

It was overcome for a medal twice

A few days ago we assumed that robbers to Rio de Janeiro can open hunting behind the Olympic awards. And criminals almost hit the first unique jackpot yesterday evening. The Belgian judoist Dirk van Tilekht, having won a bronze award, went to celebrate success on Copacabana where met local robbers. The athlete received some facers that, to naturally any rules of judo does not correspond, lost the mobile phone, but for the second time defended the award. If at the judoist her nearly did not select, hardly someone will decide to walk with the medal across night Rio. Unless someone from shooters.

as a whole the criminal situation in the capital of the Olympic games does not change. Per day criminals were calmed down, but on Tuesday resumed firing and robberies. To Rio de Janeiro unknown fired at the bus with the journalists, plying between the main press center and Deodoro's cluster. Two journalists suffered from rubber bullets: Belarusian and Turk. Fortunately, wounds were not too serious. Aggressively the bandits who have attacked officials of NOC Montenegro acted also: under a gun barrel they landed people from the car, selected at them personal belongings and disappeared in the unknown direction. Interestingly, the police really investigates these crimes or long ago already waved on everything a hand? While any message on capture of criminals from Rio did not come.

Love in all its manifestations

Despite everything, Rio de Janeiro after all it is filled with love. Love in its most different manifestations. After the end of tournament on rugby-7 the worker of stadium Marjorie Enya made the proposal to a regbistka combined Brazil to Isadora Serulyo, and that agreed to it. It would be extremely unusual if it there was simply a worker of stadium who for the first time saw rugby-7, carelessly fell in love with the sportswoman and would make it the proposal some days later. But the history is not so unusual: Marjorie and Isadora built the relations for a long time." When I learned that Isadora will be in structure, decided to make this event special. Knew that rugby is played by surprising people, and they will support me", – the girlfriend noted. The national team Brazil at rugby-7 competitions took only the ninth place.

And the citizen Germany which name while remains to unknown, "made a declaration of love" to the national team Russian Federation, having written the application in local police in which brought charges to the president International Olympic Committee Thomas Bakh . The German accused chapter International Olympic Committee of the most terrifying sins: destruction of anti-doping system, interaction with LLC "OKR", Olympic committee Russia, ROC and inaction concerning the obvious facts of the use of a dope the Russian athletes. Chapter International Olympic Committee yet did not answer terrible charges and hardly will answer. Though, probably, Thomas Bakh it was worth addressing to this German and to advise to read less often tabloids like Bild. Source: "Championship"