Swedish "fairy tale" ended: the court arrested the earth under IKEA International Group

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to Shop IKEA International Group in Khimki, probably, it is necessary to move. The reason — lawsuits because of the earth on which constructed furniture hypermarket. The earth more than 16 hectares arrested. While obespechitelno, that is it is possible to use it, and here it is impossible to carry out any transactions. the Claim gave agricultural enterprise "Khimki" to which the site initially and belonged. Furniture hypermarket constructed not on the earth, but for some reason 20 years cannot prove it.

the Land plot in Khimki which IKEA International Group belongs to concern, is arrested. Results going all day searches at the central office of firm . Disputes on this earth go twenty years. Their second participant – selkokhozpredpriyaty "Khimki", which owners claim that heads IKEA International Group used false documents at site registration. The party of furniture hypermarket claims that these lawsuits – campaign for earth capture. However, to buyers while to worry there is nothing: arrest security, and it means that it is possible to use the earth, but to make any transactions – already it is impossible.

Activity of the Swedish IKEA International Group to Russian Federation sale of inexpensive furniture with strange names was not limited to p. Two glass skyscrapers built in Khimki in 2007 directly through the road from furniture hypermarket in yellow-blue tones are made for foreign holding by million dollars of net profit a year. Rent of comfortable offices overlooking own pond with the fountain will manage wishing in one and a half million rubles a month. The majority of rooms are already occupied, among tenants the largest representations of world autoconcerns. This Swedish exclusive fairy tale on situated near Moscow manners Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sadden unless systematic searches of employees.

"Now in the central offices of IKEA International Group to Russian Federation there take place investigative actions. IKEA International Group cooperates with law enforcement officers. All shopping centers work in a usual mode" — the head of service of corporate communications noted IKEA International Group to Russian Federation Kisil Igor.

for seven hours investigators looked for originals of the documents confirming for IKEA International Group the property right to these literally the gold earth. While the furniture giant assures that redeemed 21 hectares at City administration Khimki in 2011. Former owners, and this collective agricultural enterprise "Khimki" insists that the transaction was made by a criminal way.


as proof are presented by photocopies of those, wanted documents. For example, in one of them the head of that time City administration Korablin Youri stops the property right to this site for KSHP "Khimki", referring to Land code of the Russian Federation. But here an ill luck, in 1993 it was not published yet.

"There are doubts at me and not only: whether there are in general originals? But even if originals will be found, I do not exclude a situation at which documents could be made by back numbers. We came up against situations when resolutions in Khimki simply were on sale. On them numbers and dates of the ninetieth years" — are underlined by the lawyer Veselnitskaya Natalia.

Questions and to the signatures decorating protocols about transfers to termless using of IKEA International Group of this earth, and to record-breaking low cost of this transaction, and to sensationally fast terms of construction of the business center. Proceeding from documentation, the difference between obtaining the construction license and introduction of this complex in operation made only three days. It turns out, the Swedish company built the fifteen-floor building with a total area of 23 thousand square meters less, than in 72 hours. However, at lawyers of the Swedish holding, data a disagreement are not surprising .

"The lawsuit lasted some years and the final end put the Supreme Court, having confirmed the rights of IKEA International Group on the land plot. But it is obvious, it did not satisfy our opponents, and they addressed in law enforcement agencies therefore criminal case was brought. In our opinion criminal case of prospect has no. Searches were carried out today to <"4"> IKEA companies within this year of criminal case brought in April. It is obvious that proofs" are necessary for investigating authorities — the lawyer of the company considers IKEA International Group to Russian Federation Goltsblat Andrey.

the right for the earth of KSHP "Khimki" tries to defend p since 2012. Earlier the Supreme Court tried to resolve this conflict. But, according to the lawyer of agriculturists, the board on economic disputes at pronouncement of the decision did not take into account that criminal case about fraud concerning IKEA International Group at that time was already excited and the forgery fact from the Swedish company also was established. Soon lawyers of "Khimki" will make the supervising complaint in the Supreme Court.

"Today Regional court of Moscow refused to p in satisfaction of the appeal complaint IKEA International Group and upheld arrest of the land plot. About what it speaks? About that the land plot because of which we have legal proceedings 4 years in arbitration courts, is recognized today not only a material evidence, but also it is arrested, and vessels on other branch of jurisdiction, on criminal cases" — the lawyer of KSHP "Khimki" Veselnitskaya Natalia emphasized.

One of lawyers representing the Swedish giant in this high-profile case actively throws in information space unreliable information about allegedly put pressure upon the large foreign investor. However any confirmations to that, the defender cannot provide, also as well as originals of the doubtful documents allowing, bypassing all possible laws, to buy so attractive land at the price underestimated five times.