Heroes of the Olympic Games who already won medals for Russian Federation

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Before you the real fighters who despite everything, defend honor Russian Federation. Thanks, you are real heroes!

Heroes of the Olympic Games who already won medals for Russian Federation the Olympic Games, rio2016, Russia, sports

1. The judoist Mudranov Beslan

the Russian judoist Mudranov Beslan won gold in weight category to 60 kg, it managed to win a victory in a duel against the representative Kasakhstan Smetov Yeldos.

Source: pp.vk.me

Here the historical moment!

A here one of the main secrets of success of the Russian judoist

Source: pp.vk.me

2. Arrows Maslennikov Vladimir

Maslennikov Vladimir became the bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games in firing from an air rifle from 10 m. In the final it showed result in 184,2 points.

Source: pp.vk.me the Source: pp.vk.me

3. Sablistk Velikaya Sophia Velikaya Sophia

to Velikaya Sophia did not suffice b to the Legendary sablistka absolutely slightly to win gold of these Olympic Games - it conceded in the final to other Russian, 22-year-old Yegoryan Ian. we Will remind br to br that in a semi-final Velikaya Sophia carried out very heavy duel with the Frenchwoman Bryune Manon over whom won a victory with the score 15:14.

Source: pp.vk.me

For Velikaya Sophia is the second Olympic medal, in 2012 in London she also became the silver prize-winner.

the Source: pp.vk.me

Without sports ammunition is quite difficult to recognize Velikaya Sophia.

the Source: pp.vk.me

About our sablistka were endured by all country.

the Source: pp.vk.me

4. Sablistka of Yegoryan Ian

the First place Yegoryan Ian — big achievement for the Russian fencing. The last time the highest award of the Olympic Games in individual discipline on fencing was won by Belova Helena in 1968. then she became a champion in fencing on rapiers.

Source: pp.vk.me

Yegoryan Ian in the first seconds after a victory in the Olympic Games final.

Heroes of the Olympic Games who already won medals for Russian Federation the Olympic Games, rio2016, Russia, sports the Source: pp.vk.me

Here all pedestal!

the Source: pp.vk.me

Yegoryan Ian in embraces of girlfriends after rewarding.

the Source: pp.vk.me

5. Arrows Batsarashkina Vitalina

In the final Batsarashkina Vitalina conceded only to the Chinese woman Chzhan Mensyue who acted more steadily than all competitors.

Source: pp.vk.me

"Is very happy with silver because it is difficult to struggle with Chinese. At the beginning of the final stirred lighting therefore the first shot did not turn out. It somewhere brought me. I devote this medal Russian Federation, to all friends, native" - the silver prize-winner told in interview 2016 Summer Olympics.

the Source: pp.vk.me

6. Dashidorzhieva Tuyana, Perova Xenia and Stepanova Inna - archery

the Russian girls-luchnitsy jumped above the head, initially their chances of a pedestal were not considered at all. World leaders — China, America, Italy and South Korea. As a result we bypassed all, except the Country of morning freshness. In the final of the Korean looked stronger.

the Source: pp.vk.me the Source: pp.vk.me

"With gold, alas, did not develop, but also silver – too success and the highest achievement of the national team Russian Federation for history of its performance at the Olympic Games" - share opinion sports experts.

the Source: pp.vk.me

7. The judoist Kuzyutina Natalia

Began the sportswoman tournament in category to 52 kg with a victory over Ekaterina Guyke (Canada). It conceded in a quarterfinal Misato Nakamura (Japan). But then Kuzyutina Natalia got the best in duels of consolatory tournament of Kristyanna Lezhantil (Mauritius) and Ma Yingnan (China) that brought her bronze.

Source: pp.vk.me

In career Kuzyutina Natalia is one interesting fact - a sparring with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on training base at the beginning of this year. Let's note that a day earlier one more sparing-partner of the head of state took an award - Mudranov Beslan became it.

the Source: pp.vk.me the Source: pp.vk.me

8. The foil fencer Safin Timur

the Russian athlete won a bronze medal at 2016 Summer Olympics.

Source: pp.vk.me

the Received award is very first Olympic in career Safin Timur. In addition, he is the double champion Europe and the bronze prize-winner of the World Cup.

the Source: pp.vk.me

the Moment which Safin Timur will remember on all the life!

Safin Timur - bronze! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it was cool!! ! ! Gallantly, Safin Timur @timursafin %23rio2016%23timursafin %23bronza %23fekhtovaniye %23rapira %23fencing %23safin %23timursafin %23rio2016

A video posted by Kormilitsyna Svetlana on Aug 7, 2016 at 2:54pm PDT (@svetlana.kormilitsyna)

9. Ablyazin Denise, Belyavsky Davide, Nagorny Nikita, Kuksenkov Nicholas and Stretovich Yvan - team all-round on gymnastics among men

Silver! Russians were in the lead throughout the first four shells, but nevertheless conceded to Japanese – the main favourites of present Olympic tournament.

the Source: pp.vk.me

In man's team all-round Russian Federation did not win medals since 2000 when our gymnasts won bronze. In the 1996th Russians were champions, but then the team was supported still by legendary Nemov Aleksey.

the Source: pp.vk.me

These emotions need to see target!

Belyavsky Davide in interview is modest Several days ago, almost in a whisper, spoke "we want a medal", and here it! Silver of the Olympic Games! Incredibly! You the best, children! Big holiday in the world of the Russian gymnastics! Thanks, thanks, thanks! ! ! %23davidbelyavsky %23belyavskiy %23nikitanagorny %23nagornyy %23denisablyazin %23ablyazin %23nikolaykuksenkov %23kuksenkov %23ivanstretovich %23stretovich %23rio %23rio2016%23olympics %23rio2016%23gymnastics %23sport %23gimnastika %23olimpiyskiyeigry %23rus %23Russia %23teamrussia %23Rossiya %23olympics2016%23bestteamever %23sbornayarossii %23russianfederation %23artisticgymnastics

A video posted by @iramakarova on Aug 8, 2016 at 4:28pm PDT

10. Plavchikh Yefimova Julia

the Quadruple world champion Yefimova Julia won a silver medal of 2016 Summer Olympics in swimming on 100 m a breast stroke. In the final the Russian floated a distance in 1 minute 5,50 seconds. Gold American Lilly won King (1.04,93), having established the Olympic record. Bronze other representative of United States of America Meyli Cathy (1.05,69).

the Source: scontent.cdninstagram.com

Before start of a final heat the audience catcalled Yefimova Julia whom, in their opinion, unfairly allowed before the Olympic Games.

during an awards ceremony Lille King and Meyli Cathy refused to congratulate the Russian on a silver medal. Later King apologized for the act.
