Disabled people and orphans will teach free of charge at private schools

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Disabled people and orphans will have a chance of free study at private schools

The chairman of the commission of Civic chamber Russian Federation on social policy Slepak Vladimir took the initiative to establish an obligatory 10 percent quota of free training at private schools for children from large families, orphans, disabled people and the children who have lost the supporter. With such offer it sent the letter to the Deputy Prime Minister to Olga Golodets. Private schools are ready to support this initiative provided that state financing will increase.

- Private education to Russian Federation should not become a prerogative rich. It has to be available to those for whom are most necessary an individual approach, support and protection of the state, - Slepak Vladimir speaks.

It reminded that under the existing private schools within the general education program receive per capita financing on each pupil, as well as state institutions. Therefore, in his opinion, they have to realize programs of social responsibility.

- I entirely support the initiative of Civic chamber, but with one reservation - the state will compensate training of such children, - the first deputy chairman of committee of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by training Oleg Smolin told.

He noted that by the current legislation private schools really have to be financed according to the same standards, as state, however in practice "private traders" bear maintenance costs and operation of buildings independently.

Oleg Smolin added that some private schools specializing on training of disabled children, established long ago privileges, however if they make training cheap for all, simply will not survive.

The director of Russian-English school "Yuvenes" Krivolapov Vladimir told daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" that private schools and now teach some children on favorable terms.

- Last year we had about five percent of such children. So it turned out that within a year their parents faced serious financial problems. And the child, for example, studies in the second or third class, and there is no sense to change school while it will not finish a step, - Krivolapov Vladimir explained.

He noted that training in "Yuvenes" in new academic year will rise in price for 7% and will make 495 thousand rubles a year. According to the director, the school could cope with a constant quota in 10% but provided that will receive the same per capita financing, as public schools, and now it is twice less.

The director of AsNOOR Moiseev Alexander told (ACHOOP) to daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" that on each pupil of private school the state allocates 63 thousand rubles a year, as well as for pupils of municipal schools, but still approximately as much the budgetary schools receive on purchase of training materials and the maintenance of buildings. "Private traders" incur these expenses at the expense of a parental payment, from the same money the salary is paid to teachers, and sometimes it even is lower, than at state schools. But the most important item of expenditure - rent of rooms.

- A quarter of private schools Russian Federation is in Moscow, and the rent here, despite privileges, is very high. If rooms transferred to private schools to expeditious using on the same conditions, as state, it would be possible to speak even about a 15 percent quota, - Moiseev Alexander believes.

The chairman of the All-Russian LLC "OZPPOU", OZPPOU Panin Victor is sure that instead of forcing private schools to allocation of quotas, it is necessary to increase quality of education in the state educational institutions.

- My children study at usual public school, and I do not consider that it is bad. Certainly, I am dissatisfied with much, but I constantly interact with school administration, with Education Department of Moscow, we change techniques and we do everything that quality of education increased, - Panin Victor told. - It is sure that education at private schools is not better, than in state, and sometimes even is worse.

Disabled school students need special attention

TACC / Shamukov Ruslan