The court in Moscow prolonged arrest of ex-senator Popelnyukhov Sergei, accused of plunder more than 1 billion rubles

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the Decision Lefortovsky district court of Moscow prolonged till January 19, 2017 the term of detention of the former senator from Belgorod region, general directors of the Stroyinvestinzhiniring SU-848 company Popelnyukhov Sergei, accused of plunder more than 1 billion rubles. The assistant to the presiding judge Yevgrafova Nadezhda.

As reports " "> Information company "RIA Novosti" , in court passed preliminary hearings in the matter of Popelnyukhov Sergei. The beginning of hearings is in essence appointed to August 29. It is specified that process will take place in an open mode.

According to the investigators, from February, 2010 to June, 2011 Popelnyukhov Sergei as a part of the organized group stole by deception of money JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT", allocated for construction in Venezuela plants on license production of AK-103 machine guns and cartridges to them for total amount more than 1 billion rubles.