Явление Ефимовой и 41-летняя гимнастка – в мгновениях 2-го дня ОИ

Стрельба Бацарашкиной, 19-е золото Фелпса, старт 41-летней гимнастки и сенсация в женском теннисе – в фотомгновениях второго дня Игр-2016.
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Championship» , more details in our Terms of Service
Julia Yefimova
Last position: The professional athlete on swimming
Vitalina Batsarashkina
Last position: The professional athlete on bullet firing
Chzhan Mensyue
Last position: The professional athlete on firing from an air gun
Timur Safin
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing on rapiers
Maylinda Kelmendi
Last position: The professional athlete on judo