Gold start on a carpet. Mudranov Beslan repeated Galstyan Arsene

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In the first day of 2016 Summer Olympics the Russian judoist Mudranov Beslan brought to h1 the first gold in a moneybox of the national team Russian Federation. Let's remember how it was. → 2016 Summer Olympics. Second day. First "gold" Russian Federation! LIVE!

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Four years ago at the Olympic Games in London in the first day the national team Russian Federation got an unexpected gold medal which Galstyan Arsene in competition of judoists in weight to 60 kg won . Then we yet did not know that the Italian mentor of a men's team Ezio Gamba turned our country into a superstate in world judo. As a result in 7 weight categories Russians won 5 medals, three of which highest advantage.

Already Gamba is on other post, he is the general manager of national teams Russian Federation, recently he received the Russian passport . For our country it is difficult to overestimate his merits. But at the same time till today there was no clear understanding, on what the team of the judoists which has arrived to Rio de Janeiro is capable. Honored athletes in it suffice, but thus obvious favourites are not present in one of categories. With bated breath, we waited for a miracle, well or, at least, hoped for a medal. And as differently, after all Gamba laid a hand to formation of the demand. And it once again presented us a reason for pleasure.

of the Man. Category to 60 kg.

In the easiest weight category at men Russian Federation entrusted to present to the native Baksan Mudranov Beslan , to the repeated champion Europe, to the silver prize-winner of the World Cup. As explained Gamba, structure formation in many respects depended on position of this or that judoist in a rating. For our genmenedzher was to be in top-22 a rating who allows to participate in the Olympic Games insufficiently. The preference was given those who reached to top-8. At the time of the demand Mudranov Beslan was in the eight. But nevertheless before Games bookmakers did not believe in its chances. In updated world tables of ranks it was only the 18th. But it is connected by that our athletes passed large starts because of a situation with the meldoniy. Anyway Mudranov Beslan did not reach medals of last year's superiority of the world, and it directly affected an assessment of his pedestal chances.

Already in starting fight Mudranov Beslan got his immemorial rival Yeroyen Muren from Netherlands. The destiny brings together athletes almost on each tournament, the Russian has a big overweight, but that is called easily never happens. Here and this time anything simple was not. Everything began with that to the Russian wrote out the prevention for an exit out of carpet limits. But after Mudranov Beslan became more active, the Dutch slightly was taken aback and passed the attack estimated in "yuko". Further Mudranov Beslan developed advantage. At it there took place beautiful cutting that poured out in the second "yuko". Nevertheless, the last minute fights turned out very disturbing. The Dutch reduced a gap, but Mudranov Beslan did not allow it bigger, having quietly beaten off desperate swoops.

And in the following round did not manage to walk. <"2"> Armenian Hovhaness Davtyan , won the first fight for only a few seconds, according to experts, could be disqualified already half-minute of fight with Mudranov Beslan. He tried to carry out painful reception with falling on a hand ("vaki-gatame"), however judges after small meeting suggested fighters to continue fight. Well and further the angered Mudranov Beslan brilliantly tactically carried out fight. It wrapped each episode in own favor. It poured out in three "shido" for Davtyan. And when already Armenian athlete had to ask for trouble, Mudranov Beslan put the end, having executed a frontal throw on "yuko".

of Judo. Men. Weight is up to 60 kg.

1. Mudranov Beslan (Russian Federation)

2. Smetov Yeldos (Kasakhstan)

3. Diyorbek Urazboyev (Uzbekistan)

3. Naokhisa Takato (Japan)

Judo . Women. Weight is up to 48 kg.

1. Paula Pareto (Argentina)

2. Chzheon Bokyyun (South Korea)

3. Amy Condo (Japan)

3. Galbadrakhyn Otgontsetseg (Kasakhstan).
the Favourite of the bookmakers, the first number of a world rating Vaughan Kim - gin waited for the Russian already in a quarterfinal. Fears before this opposition, certainly, were. South Korean school one of the best in the world. Besides regalia Vaughan Kim all are well-known. However and here Mudranov Beslan surprised with immense tranquillity. He did not test any piety, bent the line, the remark compelled the rival to suffice. The highest speed offered by the Russian, threw in shock of the Korean. At that even nerves started handing over, and it stuck Mudranov Beslan into an eye. But the small pause changed nothing. When the Korean conceding on "shido", in half-minute up to the end went for broke then ran into a throw through a breast. Flawless victory!
It was expected br that Mudranov Beslan on a way to the final should be passed through Japanese Naokhis Takato, but that, having too believed in own infallibility, ran into a jeweler throw of the Georgian Papinashvili Amiran . Hopes of the Japanese for gold failed, and the Russian received in rivals some easier opponent. So it seemed on paper. And Mudranov Beslan as a whole confirmed it. At Papinashvili Amiran to a semi-final the fuse disappeared. Probably, the planned three-hour pause affected. But, in fact, Mudranov Beslan organized to him a children's mat. Equal fight first. But once the Georgian became more active, the Russian already celebrated a victory. The next most beautiful element Mudranov Beslan - and "ippon".

In general, it should be noted that in semi-finals there were only representatives of the countries of the former USSR - Russian Federation, Georgia, Kasakhstan and Azerbaidjan. The second duel for getting into the final between the defending champion of the world the Kazakhstan citizen Smetov Yeldos and the Azerbaijanian, the second number of a rating Safarov Orkhan turned out wearisome. However, brisk Smetov Yeldos contrived and skontril in one of episodes, zarabov an assessment "vase-ari", and sent to fight for gold.
So it developed br that the athletes who have conceded in semi-finals, did not reach medals. Safarov Orkhan conceded according to remarks to Japanese Takato. And finally become exhausted Papinashvili Amiran lost to uzbekistanets Diyorbeka Urozboyeva .

Well and the final turned out such what had to be. The cleverest, tactical fight. Such feeling that Mudranov Beslan and Smetov Yeldos watched all day record of fights of each other, instead of fought on a carpet. Serially opponents acted, and the referee had even no catch to write out to someone the prevention. Everyone tried, tried, kontril. It was disturbing, but it is fascinating. Five minutes expired, and any of judoists did not receive even the minimum overweight. At once unpleasant thoughts spread: 2 years ago in the World Cup in Chelyabinsk Mudranov Beslan lost because of the remark... And in an extra time any violation or a technique mean the fight end. Fortunately, it was not necessary to reproach itself with negative thoughts. Mudranov Beslan managed to catch the world champion on cutting. The referee at first showed "yuko", then the decision changed on "vase-ari". But an essence not in it, and that Mudranov Beslan became Olympic champions. He repeated Galstyan Arsene four-year prescription. And now to us does not remain anything else how to wait for new favorable messages from a carpet. Beslan Mudranov Photo: Information company "Reuters" <= "note"> Mudranov Beslan

→ "And Armavir and Baksan already celebrate p class" about what the mentor Mudranov Beslan Baboyan Rudolph


of the Woman. Category to 48 kg.

Dolgova Irina was our hope at women in the first day of tournament of judoists. But to step further the second circle at it it did not turn out. With a lot, certainly, it was not lucky. Banal words. But what to do if to a quarterfinal you receive in the competitor the acting world champion. Against Paula Pareto's at Dolgova Irina was not any chances. The Argentinean won bronze in Beijing, and to Rio arrived one of the main favourites. The thickset, explosive girl completely controlled fight, achieved two estimates "yuko", and then threw the revealed Dolgova Irina on "ippon". It would be interesting to look that would show Dolgova Irina in fights with other girls... After all she lost to future Olympic champion!

Pareto reached the final where her did not consider as the prima. The preference was given to Chzheon Bokyyun from South Korea. But the Argentinian the unapproachable protection forced to be nervous the opponent. That as a result carried out natural boxing "dvoyechka". It is difficult to judge, it is deliberate or not. But at Pareto blood from a lip went, the help was necessary for it. And, most likely, this dzyudoistsky dirt so enraged hot Paula that, having returned on a carpet, she threw the competitor on "vase-ari". To win back such solid handicap at the Asian did not leave. And the tiny girl from San Fernando caught the main medal in the stunning collection. Source: "Championship"