Vdovina Darya: expected to take higher place

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Vdovina Darya commented on result of a final on firing from an air rifle on 10 meters. The Russian took the fifth place. American Virginia Tresher became the first.

"I expected to take higher place. Such result, unfortunately, - the price of one shot. If it is honest, I do not know with what failure is connected. Probably, overdid, or an eye was hackneyed. If to be expressed acceptably, at that moment I thought: "What disappointment! ". The winner still the junior, but I see it not for the first time. It good fellow.

For 4 years a lot of things changed. First, I became a mother. With new forces entered the national team. I had a huge desire to work, achieve result. Secondly, I began to analyze and draw conclusions more. Even in the head other thoughts became. Began to think with higher quality if it is possible to be expressed so.

If to me was told before start that I will take the fifth place, I would be upset. I believe in all partners in team", - transfers words Vdovina Darya the correspondent of "Championship" Telingater Grigory. Source: "Championship"
Вирджиния Трэшер
Last position: The professional athlete on bullet firing
Vdovina Darya
Telingater Grigory