2016 Summer Olympics: Basketball players Belarus will begin the Olympic Games-2016 tournament 2016 Summer Olympics a match with Japan

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on August 6, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. Basketball players of the women's national team Belarus will accept today start at 2016 Summer Olympics to Rio de Janeiro, the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta".

Wards Buyalsky Anatoly on the night of August 7 in a match of the first round of preliminary group A will meet team Japan (the game beginning at 01.45 on the Minsk time). Recently competitors met among themselves in the Minsk Sports palace on tournament of memory of Semyon Halipsky, and then Belarusians overcame Japanese with the minimum overweight - 78:77. This time trainers also expect persistent fight, after all the Olympic Games - the most important tournament of the fourth anniversary. The Belarusian basketball players arrived to Rio almost in two weeks prior to competitions and already Brazil managed to adapt for unusual conditions. In the national team Belarus six players, structure exactly a half, already have experience of performances at the Olympic Games: Likhtarovich Tatyana, Snytina Catherina, Troina Tatyana, Trofimova Natalia, Veremeenko Anastasiya and Levchenko Helena played in Beijing-2008 eight years ago and took a high 6th place. This time they together with debutants of the Olympic Games Alexander Aleksandrovich Tarasov, Zyuzkova Olga, Popova Maria, Rytikova Julia, Filonchik Maria and Kharding Lindsay will try to improve result of the Beijing Games.

In this preliminary group two more duels will take place today: Turkey - France, Brazil - Australia. Schedule of other games combined Belarus: On August 7 - France, on August 9 - Brazil, on August 11 - Turkey, on August 13 - Australia).

Group B combined United States of America made, Canada, Spain, Senegal, Serbia and China. After the termination of a group round in a quarterfinal of the Olympic Games leave on four best teams which will continue fight for awards on system play-off. The champion and prize-winners of Games will be defined on August 20. At the Olympic Games-2012 in London champions became basketball players of United States of America, silver at Frenchwomen, bronze was won by Australians.

Catherina Snytina
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball
Maria Filonchik
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball
Buyalsky Anatoly
Likhtarovich Tatyana
Troina Tatyana