In Thailand six people were lost also more than 40 got wounds as a result of collision of the bus with truck

@IA Sin'hua
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Bangkok, 5 August/Xinhua / - In the northeast area Thailand the tourist bus met truck head-on, six people as a result were lost, even more than 40 got wounds. About it on Friday report local mass media.

of road accident occurred approximately at 01:00 local time. The two-storeyed bus with 60 passengers came back to Bangkok from Royet's Province of Roi Et. There was a heavy rain, the bus left on an oncoming lane and crashed into the truck.


As are reported by Daley's newspaper of News, both drivers and four passengers sitting in forward part of the bus, were lost. 40 more people got the wounds, eight of them are in a serious condition.

the Police declared that the bus driver, probably, fell asleep at a wheel. Investigation is conducted.