Consul general: the Russian diplomat did not participate in firefight to Rio de Janeiro

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the Consul general Russian Federation to Rio de Janeiro Tokmakov Vladimir disproved information of the British mass media that the Russian diplomat shot the robber attacking it to Rio de Janeiro. On August 5 to Rio de Janeiro start the Olympic Games.
"Officially I declare br to br that any of the Russian diplomats and any of the staff of consulate general in Rio de Janeiro was not involved in incident about which the press writes. This information is not true. I am not ready to make comments on the fact of murder. We do not possess such information. In this respect the police Rio de Janeiro" works — quotes Tokmakov Vladimir Information company "RIA Novosti".
Source: Information company "RIA Novosti"
Vladimir Tokmakov
Last position: Consul general (Consulate-general of the Russian Federation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)