Argentina received from United States of America the first declassified documents on "Dirty war"

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Global Look Press

the USA transferred to Argentina the first declassified documents on "Dirty war". So call the seven-year period when the South American republic was under the power of military junta.

"We will transfer more papers in the future" — the Secretary of State of United States of America John Kerry after a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs noted Argentina Susana Malcorra in Province of Buenos Aires.

About the content of papers the official representative State department of the United States of America Mark Toner at a briefing for the press in Washington did not begin to extend. "I would describe them as documentation of military and investigation" — he told. On its assurances, from the contents he does not know, transfers Information company "ITAR-TASS" .

In Argentina on March 24, 1976 power was seized by military headed by the general Raphael Jorge Videla. The parliament was dismissed, the curfew is entered, activity of political parties and labor unions is suspended. Repressions began. They received the name "Dirty War".

For years of the military dictatorship which has come to the end in 1983, according to official figures, completely 18 thousand citizens disappeared. This figure, according to human rights organizations, reaches 30 thousand people.

the U.S. President Barack Obama declared the decision to declassify documents President of the United States of America.