Volleyball players of Kazan "Dynamo" left holiday

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on August 2, 2016, Tuesday. 14:05 . Volleyball Volleyball players of Kazan "Dynamo" left holiday and the day before carried out the first training, reports the official site of club. The head coach <= = "Rishat Gilyazutdinov"> Gilyazutdinov Rishat told a href to title "http://www.championat.com/tags/10796-rishat-giljazutdinov.html" about the beginning of preparation of collective by a season and estimated a line-up.

"Now collecting began 8 people. More precisely, nine if to consider Nikolaeva Olesya who will abandon us soon. Five people from our club play at present as a part of the national teams. And Startseva Eugenie which did not get on the Olympic Games, gave while rest to the middle of August.
I cannot tell br that the team will be any another. It is clear that new people came, but the same Dynamo Kazan club, tasks remained the same maximum, there is the structure and ideas of preparation. And main thing: our area of work and ambitions we will keep not simply, and to impart the newcomer to players and to try to be together all on the ball", - Gilyazutdinov Rishat told.
Source: Official site of ZhVK "Dynamo Kazan"
Olesya Nikolaeva
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball in Ermaya club (Italy)
Eugenia Startsev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "Zhensky Volleyball club "Dinamo-Kazan")
Gilyazutdinov Rishat