Results of 1 half-year in ZhK "River Park"

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LLC "Rechnikov Invest" – the builder of city quarter comfort class "the Park" – summed up of the River the results of the first half of the year. In six months in a housing estate it was realized residential real estate 6,4% higher, than in the second half of the year 2015. Rather similar period of last year the builder increased sales almost three times. The project is located on the bank of the Moskva River in Nagatinsky Zaton District. The partner in realization – the Metrium Group company.

In the first half of the year in city quarter "the River Park" realized 23,2 thousand sq.m of residential real estate that exceeds indicators of the last half-year for 6,4%. Concerning the first half of the year 2015 growth made nearly three times. However during this period offer volume was presented in the project only to the first and turn of construction. Therefore more objectively to compare the first half of the year 2016 to the second half of the year 2015 when on sale two turns of construction were presented.

the Average cost of square meter in the first stage of construction ZhK "River Park" for half a year remained former and made 200 000 rubles. 96% of all volume of the offer are sold. The minimum budget of purchase did not change and is equal to 7,3 million rubles for 38,4 sq.m. It is remarkable that the first stage was put into operation with an advancing of terms: inhabitants received keys for 7 months before the date specified in the contract. "In the first half of the year in our project all one-room apartments with finishing were sold, – Shvetsova Larissa, the director general of the JSC River Park company LLC "RIVER PARK" tells. – Emergence of the increasing interest to "turnkey" housing became one of tendencies of the last months. Buyers do not want to spend money and time for independent repair, preferring to note housewarming at once in day of receiving keys".

the Average cost of square meter in the second turn of ZhK "River Park" in the first half of the year increased by 9%: from 170 000 rubles to 185 000 rubles. More than 20% of volume of the offer are sold. The minimum budget of purchase grew with 5,5 million rubles for 35,6 sq.m to 6,36 million rubles for the similar area. "Rates of sales of the second turn "the Park River" rekordny even for the pre-crisis period, – are noted by Litinetskaya Maria, the managing partner "Metrium Group". – All in a year and three months the most part of offers is realized: in three quarters prior to turn delivery on sale there were less than 20% of apartments. For comparison – in many other projects after input of cases in operation remains to 25-40% of not sold housing".

In June, 2016 in "the River Park" declared start of sales of the third turn on the first line from the Moskva River. The average cost of square meter made 189 thousand rubles. For comparison – on start of the first stage of construction the average price was equal 156 thousand rubles, the second turn – 160 thousand rubles. "In the third turn the most specific apartments are presented in only 20 meters from water overlooking own foot embankment, – Shvetsova Larissa makes comments. – Besides, some options of apartments with terraces that is unique for comfort class are designed. Despite initially higher starting prices, the third turn shows high rates of sales. While we do not increase cost, however, as soon as the base will be filled completely in and the general contractor will start construction of the first floors, the price will start growing steadily".

For the first half of the year 2016 in ZhK "River Park" the share of purchases with attraction of a mortgage considerably decreased: concerning the second half of the year 2015 from 53% to 32%. "In the conditions of the general instability buyers even more often reflect, whether they will be able to pay on the credit and whenever possible try to minimize the sums of monthly payments on a mortgage, – Shvetsova Larissa tells. – For example, in 2014 we repeatedly had the buyers who were initially planning purchase in the certain budget without attraction of the credit. Some of them directly in a sales office submitted an application for a mortgage "just in case". As a result after approval clients reconsidered the choice and acquired housing of the bigger area with attraction of the credit. In other words, the decision on a mortgage was made much more simply. Now situation another. Before submitting an application for the credit, the client at first weighs the real opportunities and only then goes to bank. In the first half of the year we did not observe any "spontaneous" transactions". to

One of important events for the first half of the year. "The river the Park" already repeatedly became the winner of several professional competitions, – Litinetskaya Maria notes. – Unlike "colleagues on shop", compelled to provide considerable discounts to 10-15%, in "the River Park" the prices continue to grow. It testifies to high liquidity of the project, after all only in 9% of capital ZhK today there are no discounts. It is remarkable what exactly such complexes show now the highest rates of realization. Buyers choose the best and vote ruble".

"Following the results of the first half of the year we exceeded sales plans, – Shvetsova Larissa sums up the result. – However we do not want to stop on the reached. One of our tasks – to provide to people the maximum comfort of accommodation for adequate money. As a whole in the second half of the year we expect at all the worst results. The peak of crisis is passed, the quantity of registered DDU increases every month. Ahead the beginning of a business season that creates all prerequisites for even bigger growth of the consumer activity which peak is necessary for December because of end of the program of subsidizing of a mortgage rate".

on August 02, 2016 11:14
Source: Metrium Group
Shvetsova Larissa
Litinetskaya Maria