In Varkava at 50 pigs AChS is stated

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In Varkava at 50 pigs is stated by AChS Foto: The Food and Veterinary Service (FVS) informs Publicitātes foto that the received results of laboratory analyses podtverzhadyut a virus of the African plague of pigs (APP) at pigs on pig farm in Municipality of Varkava.

As the representative of PVS Yoffe Anna reported, now on this farm 50 pigs, including 38 pigs are liquidated.

of PVS established quarantine — a protective zone in a radius of 3 km and a supervising zone in a radius of 10 km round pig farm. In this territory the state of health of pigs and boars, and also movement of vehicles will be controlled.

On mentioned AChS to pig farm stated biosafety violations of the rules, probably, and become a cause of illness of pigs of AChS.

of All this year AChS it is revealed at 667 boars in 180 volosts of 58 edges, and also in Dvukh the cities — Rezekne and Pļaviņas. Last year AChS was it is stated at 1048 boars.

the Last case of AChS at domestic pigs was recorded by p on September 9, 2015. In total from the moment of the outbreak of this disease in June, 2014 213 domestic pigs fell ill.


— very dangerous and easily given viral disease of pigs. In places where the disease is stated, it is necessary to hammer all herd therefore the outbreaks of this illness cause great economic damage to breeders. For people of AChS does not constitute danger.