The first meeting of the press center passed at the chief of Administration office Judicial department inRepublic of Adygea
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At meeting the chief of Administration office Judicial department inRepublic of Adygea Yu. Hakui noted value of work on information support of activity of judicial system in the territory of the subject for courts of law, the Constitutional and Arbitration vessels of Republic of Adygea, functioning in a uniform legal framework.

Emphasized importance of the general approaches and the methods directed on implementation of the information concept of judicial system, and also wished successful collaboration on the basis of the press center and to permission of objectives.

During meeting representatives of departments considered the questions connected with informing of citizens by means of republican mass media about stages of preparation and carrying out the IX All-Russian congress of judges. Discussed also other planned actions, including professional development of press secretaries of district courts of Republic of Adygea and preparation of new headings in the magazine of judicial community of Republic of Adygea " the Judicial bulletin Republic of Adygea ".

Let's remind that according to conditions of the 4-sided agreement on base Administration office Judicial department inRepublic of Adygea the press services of the Supreme, Constitutional, Arbitration vessels of Republic of Adygea and Administration office Judicial department inRepublic of Adygea carry out joint activities for interaction with the public and mass media.