"It is sure, Damon Stademayr was right". Revelation Konli Mike

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the Owner of the most impressive contract in the history of NBA Konli Mike explained h1 why did not leave "Memphis" in inter-season period and remained is true to club. "Bring a garbage bag", – I lay on a bed and shouted to the wife who was in the neighboring room. It seemed to me, it is a little more - and I will break on it. Feelings were not from the best, to put it mildly. There was second day since I returned to Memphis and started preparing for operation morally.

Several days before, in game No. 3 of the first round play-off in Portland, I broke a frontal bone. I at all do not remember that moment. I was let in pass, nearby there was Sy Jay Makkolum, and during the next moment, I already grabbed the person. Fortunately, guys won without me two following meetings, and broke through in the following round.
Houses me waited for br the wife and parents. They looked after me, understanding all gravity of the arisen situation. To a series with "Golden Steyt" there was less than a week. I lay in a bed at an angle in 45 degrees, with a pillow under the head and an ice package on a face which was necessary to change each 20 minutes. "Me one more garbage bag is necessary to br, you hear me! "

Each time when I shouted, my person strongly twitched. Doctors told at once that in the first few days tumor will grow and only then will decline. It slightly irritated because I felt the pulse. There was an impression that knocks directly over an eye. It was similar to awful music which there is no opportunity to switch off.

my wife almost silently came into the room and, not including light, gave me a new garbage bag. I tried to tell it "thanks", but at all I do not know, whether she heard me. Because of a tumor I could not eat normally, it was necessary to be content only with soups, tvorozhka and vegetable mashed potatoes, as to the baby. To me offered medicine which would help to reduce swelled also a tumor, but vomiting was a side effect. I took these tablets and reached for the next garbage bag. It was the most inopportune moment for a trauma. We finished a regular season, having established a club record by quantity of victories in "regulyarka" (55. – Editor's note) . Gazol Mark was finally approved as the best center leagues. Clear business that is my point of view, but I do not think that though someone was as is good, as the Spaniard. Zac Rendolf and Allan Toni carried out one of the best seasons. We knew that all against us, but we looked forward to fight with a gang Kerr Steeve. It was the lowest point in my basketball career. The season was in the home stretch, and I was absolutely useless because sat at home in a bed with an ice package on a face.

I remained alone with the thoughts. I could not watch TV, listen to radio, look at light and plainly to speak.

I simply lay and remembered the debut season in NBA.


In the 2007th before opening of training camp I drove over couple of days on the Grizzliz arena to look at the locker in a locker room. Now I understand that it was ordinary curiosity, then it seemed to me it is important.

When I entered, saw the low guy standing on a chair nearby and trying to get something with the highest shelf in the locker. Of me in the head arose a question: "What does it do? " appeared br/>
to Them debuting in league for 12 years to me. It is unlikely he guessed, what since I was fond of basketball seriously, Damon always was my favourite – that guy on whom I equaled, "That happened to br by br, the beginner? " – he took an interest.
I up to the end was not sure by br, whether he at least knows my name. While I stayed in easy confusion, Stademayr jumped off and blurred in a smile and told: "Let's get acquainted".

I greeted, started placing the things in the new locker which was in couple of meters from it. And suddenly he told br to br: "Let's go, we will play in private? "

"Right now? " – I asked again, inspecting myself.
"Yes, right now", – were answered by him, without having allowed me to come round.

I was a beginner in this league, it the veteran – to refuse was silly. I laced up sneakers and started wandering behind it. As soon as we stepped into a parquet, the smile disappeared from his face. It looked very concentrated and serious. At heart I laughed because it was self-assured. I was 19 years old and at all respect for Damon, I looked at it and thought: "Yes it is fine, I will deal with it, to this guy already 34".

But everything went at all as I assumed.

Damon dominated all game. 15 minutes, probably sufficed it, I was quicker and in the best form and I was higher precisely, but it simply wiped about me feet. From the very beginning he stopped at nothing, beat or pressed through me and hammered, hammered, I hammered …
that day left home in bruises from head to foot, but got much more – the loyal friend. Throughout all season we played in private and it turned into some kind of personal trainings. Damon taught the very many me and spent not small part of the free time.

To the middle of year I gathered a good form. In one of meetings realized couple of fast throws and it was quite happy with itself. When sat down on replacement, Damon lowered on me all dogs that I do not use opportunities and I do not try to beat one in one.

"Yes at you is not present though one pass to a ring, the guy", – was indignant it.

And I sat and did not understand that I do not so. After all I never missed from game, gave couple of assists and did not make any technical mistake.

"You have to break under "hole" and get some bruises, as that day when we got acquainted. It is impossible to be the neatnik if you want to become the cool basketball player", – he almost shouted to me in an ear.

To a series with "Uorriorz" was no distance, and I had to find a way to come to a platform and to play.
I said br to doctors that I cannot stay at home and struggle with the mental loneliness more. I needed to return on a parquet.

Unfortunately, my form was far from an ideal to return to a system to the first game. I did not sleep almost and ate on a course of week of inaction much. Doctors of team swung the heads and repeated to me: "By no means, not today".

I was compelled to agree. Before the second game in a series I could not fall asleep in any way, simply lay and waited while will start ringing an alarm clock and it will be possible to get up. In the head so many thoughts were carried by that I simply did not manage to plunge plainly into a sleepiness.
Nobody knew br, whether there will be able to be I to a parquet – neither my team mate, nor trainers, fans.
In four days before, me made a special mask. Same, as to Khemilton Rip. Before I never carried anything similar and did not see on anybody alive. When I hardly pulled it on myself, understood that there was a small problem – the mask sat not densely. That is it fitted the right side of the person ideally, and here for left was too free. During an illness the tumor became much less. You possibly at all did not notice, but it slightly dangled at me on a face during games though the trainer's staff almost in full strength tried to think up how to fix it more reliable.

When I came into a locker room, heard as Allan Toni shouts. In general for it to raise the voice – norm of life. One of two remarks flying from his lips – traditionally is beyond admissible noise level. But this time I understood that he wants to draw my attention.

"MAAAK! " – Allan Toni devilishly loudly cried out my initials. – Leave all the fears and alarms here, POPPY".

It quickly came nearer to me, grabbed by an undershirt and strongly pushed in a breast. I lost balance and was compelled to take some steps back.
to Someone can seem strange, but Allan Toni were made by this trick before each game. If you want to leave a locker room, is obliged to pass through Allan Toni. Without options. Allan Toni – that guy whom everyone wants to see in the team and in any way in others.

It means that in "Grizzliz" special chemistry. After all we are always ready to give a hand to the.

that night, all this was necessary for me much more strongly, than ever because we played in Region of Auckland. That night at a ceremony before game, Stef won a prize to the most valuable player of a season.
Show began br.
the first minutes of game I felt br very tired and exhausted. Doctors of team continued went on to me before a match same: "Avoid contact, avoid contact, avoid contact".

Early hit helped me to find confidence of the forces. Zac Rendolf delivered to b an excellent barrier and Stef stumbled a little, running all over it. In the middle of the second quarter I tried to stop at nothing to a ring and as a result fell to a parquet. The ball was in hands, and I tried to ask a timeout. Dreymond Green tried to make interception and a reserve my mask, just in that place where seams were imposed. When I reached a bench, blood already exuded and complicated to me visibility, seams were torn.

I felt a familiar pulsation over an eye. To risk the health in such situation it was silly, but the way back any more was not. To me processed a wound, and I returned on a parquet.

I am absolutely not superstitious person, but the torn seams that evening – the best that could happen to me. It forced me to return when I was a beginner and played with Damon. I needed to hammer, this blood was necessary to me, I needed to feel taste play-off.
And I like br. Wanted to become the hero. Gathered 22 points. That evening we won. 97:90 .


Yes, as a result, we conceded in opposition. It was very heavy morally. We were comprehended by disappointment, but at the same time all understood that it only began and we can reach the bigger.

Last season was not less successful. But we were prevented again by unforeseen circumstances. At first Gazol Mark broke foot, and then I damaged Achilles tendons. Many started being whispered to br by br that players of "Memphis" are inclined to injuries, having absolutely forgotten that we with Gazol Mark played on the average on 70 games in the regular championship during the season. Mike Konli never will be able to help to become Grizzliz the applicant for a title series appeared br/>
In the press.

you actually doubt us? I already heard to this plate not less than one thousand times, publish the new.

Memphis – the most real basketball city, but on the national card you will not see it. Probably because our matches not so often show on the TV. If you not the fan "Grizzliz", are able to hear about us only when we will reach to play-off. About us constantly forget, us underestimate.

I was tired of all this, was tired to be underestimated, was tired of that do not pay us attention and not only I.
We – in "Memphis" – do not tell br, and we play basketball.

That fact that leaders sign long-term contracts, will let to you know a lot of things. Gazol Mark remained, so, he knows the success recipe. Allan Toni and Zac too do not want to dump. It is indicative. Acts speak about people much more. In this case – that we gathered here for some weeks, months or few years.

For this reason I made the decision to remain. Signed the contract not for one or two years. My contract is calculated on five years because we only began an ascension to that top which we want to reach.
I am sure by br that Damon Stademayr in everything was right. Anything in this league is not given you just like that, but you have a right to battle.

If to return by then when I was a beginner and played with Damon – he told me about bruises and injuries on a way to success. Then I much that did not understand, but now I perfectly realize everything.

Everything that happened to me on a career course – regularity thanks to which I appeared here and now. It is a starting point. It only began ways. Time came to start working.
It is time for br.
Source: "Championship"
Steeve Kerr
Main activity:Official
Damon Leymon Stademayr
Last position: Assistant to the head coach (Basketball club "Boston Seltiks")
Дрэймонд Грин
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (Basketball club "Golden State Uorriorz")
Konli Mike
Jay Si