Violations in activity of insurance company JSC MAKS are revealed

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the Prosecutor's office of the Zolsky area carried out an inspection according to the address of the inhabitant of the area about illegal actions of zakrytiy joint-stock company "MAKS" at the conclusion of the contract CMTPL with it, the press service of prosecutor's office of KBR reports. According to part 6 of article 9 of the Federal law of 25.04.2002 No. 40-FZ "About obligatory insurance of a civil liability of owners of vehicles" insurers have no right to apply base rates, coefficients of insurance tariffs, structure of the insurance tariffs, not conforming to the requirements established by Bank of Russia according to article 8 of the present Federal law. The limit sizes of base rates of insurance tariffs and coefficients of insurance tariffs, the requirement to structure of insurance tariffs, and also an order of their application by insurers when determining an insurance premium on obligatory insurance of a civil liability of owners of vehicles are established by the Indication of Bank of Russia of 19.09.2014 No. 3384-U "About the limit sizes of base rates of insurance tariffs and coefficients of insurance tariffs, requirements to structure of insurance tariffs, and also an order of their application by insurers when determining an insurance premium on obligatory insurance of a civil liability of owners of vehicles". In defiance of the above requirements of the legislation, the insurance agent of JSC MAKS at calculation of the size of an insurance premium for contracts CMTPL applied coefficient, excellent from established by the legislation that caused increase in an insurance premium.

by results of check to the director of JSC MAKS brought idea of elimination of the revealed violations which is at a consideration stage.

федерального закона от 25.04.2002 № 40-ФЗ "Об обязательном страховании гражданской ответственности владельцев транспортных средств"