Parking on the European technologies in ZhK "River Park"

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In city quarter comfort class "the River Park" around Nagatinsky Zaton District started construction of a land parking on the unique German Hoesch Additiv Decke technologies. Works are conducted by known Russian design construction company "Evrogroup".

the Six-storied protected land parking more than 15 thousand sq.m is located in 100 meters from the first stage ZhK "River Park" . The area of parking places varies from 14,1 sq.m to 25,2 sq.m. The cost of a parking is in range of 515-885 thousand rubles. It is possible to buy the parking place an installment plan till December 25, 2016 on a rate of 15% per annum for the rest. Besides, upon apartment purchase in the first stage of construction until the end of summer the certificate at a discount in 20% for parking place purchase is handed over to each client.

For construction of a land parking in ZhK "River Park" chose the known Russian company "Evrogroup" taking leading positions in the field of design and construction. She is the official partner of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG corporation (Germany) and works with application of modern European technologies of installation of system of overlappings of Hoesch Additiv Decke. The main feature of this technology – lack of bearing columns. It allows to leave from construction of standard obsolete land parkings, having made them light, spacious and modern at the expense of the increased height of a ceiling and internal finishing. Finishing will be executed with use of special European panels thanks to what the garage complex will perfectly be entered in the concept of a housing estate. Besides, due to lack of columns motorists will receive additional space, and process of a parking will be much simpler. At the same time installation of system of overlappings of Hoesch Additiv Decke gives the chance to builders to design more parking places, without increasing thus number of storeys and the parking area.

Hoesch Additiv Decke

also allows to use approximately for 60% of concrete less, than at standard technologies. Besides, on construction of a parking only half a year is required. Today in "the River Park" is already conducted development of a ditch for a parking. At the end of July installation of piles is planned, in October the metalframework will be completely ready. Until the end of the year a parking will revet with the panels repeating colors of facades of houses. Delivery of object is planned for 2 sq. 2017.

"From start of sales of parking places in our project there passed only three months and is already sold a little more than a half of all volume of the offer, – Larisa Shvetsova , the director general of the JSC River Park company LLC "RIVER PARK" Shvetsova Larissa it is not enough similar technical solutions as their application runs into money. For example, we the first and only in the capital use fibrotsementny panels which repeat a color scheme and style of inhabited cases when finishing parking. Therefore our parking corresponds to the best European samples not only with technical, but also from the architectural point of view. Whereas in the majority of garage complexes still there are no elevators and protection, we put the European elevators from leading global manufacturer of ThyssenKrupp Elevator and we provide an automatic control system of barriers. In certainly account all this simplifies life to our car owners and accelerates construction that is especially actual taking into account that the first three cases of the project actively become populated and parking lots" are necessary to owners.

"At design of each housing estate the developer has to provide a separate platform under a parking if there is no opportunity to make it underground, – Maria Litinetskaya , the managing partner "Metrium Group" notes . – In the conditions of dense city building when on the account literally each square meter, is necessary in the different ways to look for ways of performance of norms on number of parking places. Someone increases parking number of storeys. As a result it is more difficult to sell the top floors: even in the presence of the elevator car owners do not want to spend time for lifting and descent from the top floors. And taking into account that in the majority of parkings of new ZhK elevators are not provided, the parking places located above the third floor, already are considered as the illiquid. Other developers go by application of modern technologies. Yes, optimization costs dearer, but thus allows not to overload at the same time architecture of the project with high parkings and to build them on smaller sites".
on July 22, 2016 11:59
Source: Metrium Group