Capital plans
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How affairs in the sphere of housing and communal services Nenets autonomous area are, the deputy head of department of construction, housing and communal services, power and transport of the Nenets Autonomous Area Nikolaev Aleksey told journalists.

At first about repair. First, in 2016 capital repairs of eight apartment houses are planned: to six in Naryan-Mar and on one in the settlement of Hunters and in the village the Bottom Pesha. Contracts for development of project documentation are at the moment signed, works on technical inspection of houses are conducted. Works on overhaul have to begin in August and come to the end in November.

The total cost of these works will make 84,8 million rubles. The main part, 62,4 million rubles, will be directed on repairs by Fund of assistance to reforming of housing and communal services the Nenets Autonomous Area at the expense of the saved-up funds of owners of rooms of apartment houses raised in 2015-2016. The district budget will add 15,7 million rubles. 6,71 million more rubles the state corporation "will allocate Fund of assistance to reforming of housing and communal services".

Answering questions of journalists, Nikolaev Aleksey reported that in 2015 according to this program three houses were capitally repaired and in two houses defects of earlier made repair were eliminated. It was the first experience on new system, he emphasized. Experience of previous year allowed to set more accurately tasks to prepare documentation and to organize process. The district program according to wishes of residents of the houses put in waiting list for overhaul was modified.

Already plans of capital repairs for 2017 prepare. The number of houses and types of repair will depend eventually on the sum which will manage to be allocated for these purposes from all sources of financing. Taking into account these parameters the program for 2017-2019 will be imposed.

Journalists took an interest in increase of the size of contributions to overhaul. Nikolaev Aleksey explained that in 2017 them is planned to establish at a rate of 7,3 rubles for one square meter of total area of housing monthly. The corresponding draft of the resolution of Administration regiona is prepared.

Nikolaev Aleksey reminded that in 2015 contributions to overhaul were established at a rate of 6,5 rubles for square meter, and in 2016 – 6,9 rubles, and explained that they increase taking into account annual inflation, no more than that. He emphasized that the size of contributions corresponds to average values on Northwestern Federal District though in other regions of expense for capital repairs it is much less as cheaper building materials.

To attract the investor

Nikolaev Aleksey answered a question as there is a work on attraction of private investments into the sphere of power and housing and communal services of the Nenets Autonomous Area, that "there is a difficult process of development of the system of implementation of projects of state-private partnership in the sphere of housing and communal services of the region". Key part in this sphere assigned to finance department of the Nenets Autonomous Area.

The joint working group which should develop the plan of action is created, to make the schedule of consideration of demands of investors which already came to district administration with the offers.

There are also specific projects, for example, on development of a sewer network in the settlement of Hunters where treatment facilities will soon become operational. Implementation of all project will cost about one and a half billion rubles. For the district it is very large sum. The authorities of the Nenets Autonomous Area addressed for support in federal fund of reforming of housing and communal services where there is a probability to receive joint financing on 500 million rubles. Also a lot of work on involvement of private investors is conducted.

Good example of successful state-private partnership – implementation of the project of wind-diesel power plant in Amderm. There is a desire to realize similar projects and in other settlements of the district.

Where the wind


At the request of journalists Nikolaev Aleksey dwelt upon the project of creation of a wind-diesel complex in the Nenets Autonomous Area. According to him, installation of towers and control of the equipment of a complex comes to the end now.

Commissioning and test operation of vetro-electrical units it was carried out to the winter period. The technical difficulties which have arisen at start of the equipment, are now eliminated with the experts who have arrived to the settlement for completion of installation of wind generators and carrying out complex tests. After completion of works at the end of July it is planned to put object into operation and to transfer to municipality.

After confirmation of efficiency of the project it is planned to mount similar wind-diesel complexes and in other settlements of the region which prospects for this purpose were defined during the Nenets Autonomous Area of a vetromonitoring carried out in the territory. Here continuation of cooperation with foreign and Russian partners within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme of EU "Kolarktik" is possible. The corresponding application is already submitted to the international organization.

Order on dumps

Work on arrangement of dumps in the territory of settlements of the district is continued, Nikolaev Aleksey told to journalists. Now the department carries out work on a choice of the regional operator on the address with the solid municipal waste (SMW). This process, according to the federal legislation, has to be complete by January 1, 2017. Therefore in the fall of 2016 the corresponding competition will be announced.

Preliminary work with potential investors is carried already out, Nikolaev Aleksey added. One of the most probable participants of concession competition – the Moscow company "RT-Invest" which already created to Kazan system according to the address with. The investor will have to create the investment and production program and to enter the project on the terms of the concession agreement completely at the expense of the means.

Are created a road map on implementation of the project and the interdepartmental working group. In it, besides representatives of department and the city hall, heads of Administration office on state regulation of Prices (tariffs) Nenets autonomous area enter as which establishment of tariffs for management companies for garbage removal, and also representatives of other interested departments enters.

According to the project in Naryan-Mar on the present range it is planned to construct waste recycling plant. The estimated volume of investment – about 300 million rubles. One of conditions of occurrence of private business in this project is transfer to it in property of the land plot under plant. All three potential sites around a present city dump belong to the city hall or its municipal enterprises, and the existing range serves MUNICIPAL UNITARY ENTERPRISE "KB I RECREATION BASE".

– Now we are in process of consultations with City administration about allocation of one of sites. Interest from the authorities Naryan-Mar in implementation of this project too is, – Nikolaev Aleksey emphasized.

Besides, the separate subprogramme of the regional program for modernization of housing and communal services is developed for other settlements of the district. In it garbage sources, accumulation standards will be specified. On the basis of these data it will be possible to build in settlements temporary ranges for storage of waste.

The territorial scheme on dumps in all municipalities is developed, and the issue will be resolved in a complex, Nikolaev Aleksey assured.