In the State Duma explained a new order of the state registration of the rights for real estate
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The Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Vladimir Vasilyev and the chairman of Committee on the civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov carried out a briefing during which explained the main changes in the legislation, connected with registration of the rights for real estate . Galina Yelizarova fulfilling duties of the head of Federal Registration Service also took part in action .

Since July 15 of this year the norm about change of the Federal law No. 122-FZ " About the state registration of the rights for real estate and transactions with it " came into force. According to it issue of certificates on registration stops, and the right for real estate makes sure only an extract from the Unified state register of real estate (further - EGRN). Speaking about pluses of the accepted changes, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Vladimir Vasilyev noted that these innovations improve legal relations within a domestic law and order and "do our life more cultural, convenient and legally verified". " The one who follows the law – is always protected ", - it summarized. V. Vasilyev added that at a preparation stage the bill passed careful discussion. The total version of the document was accepted by the majority of deputies. According to him, the order of registration operating earlier created opportunities for the unfair behavior, used sometimes and criminal groups.

The background of formation of procedures of registration of the right in modern Russia was told by the chairman of Committee on the civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov : " Originally in the law was paid to the certificate on registration very much attention. Now we approached to that this document has to remain in the history: the decision to refuse it is made. At transactions extracts from the Unified state register of real estate, and as documents of title - the contract (purchase and sale, exchange, donation etc.) " will be used. P. Krasheninnikov is sure that the accepted changes protect the owner as in the law it is established what exactly from the moment of modification of EGRN are the rights for real estate.

" For Federal Registration Service the certificate on registration of property is identical to an extract as it contains the same information ", – Galina Yelizarova fulfilling duties of the head of department reported. Duplication of documents, in her opinion, significantly limits possibilities of an electronic turnover of real estate registration as the certificate on registration cannot be provided in electronic form. "From the legal point of view the owner loses nothing . Those certificates on property which citizens have on hands, do not lose validity, and it is not necessary to change them for extracts from the Unified state register of real estate ", – Galina Yelizarova declared.

State Duma press service

Pavel Krasheninnikov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on State construction and Legislation)
Galina Yelizarov
Last position: The deputy head, the inventory and cartography – the deputy chief state registrar of the Russian Federation (Federal Registration Service)
Vasilyev Vladimir