Certificates on property on real estate should not be changed for an extract from the state registry - Federal Registration Service

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July 19. FINMARKET.RU - Coming into effect of the law on abolition of the certificate on the state registration of the rights for real estate will not demand replacement of earlier granted certificates by new extracts from the state registry, Galina Yelizarova fulfilling duties of the head of Federal Registration Service declared today.

"It is not necessary to change given out in confirmation of the registration (real estate) carried out ever in previous time documents. It could be and the certificate and since 2013 an extract from the register - it is not necessary to change them for new documents, it is not necessary" at all, - she told journalists.

As G. Yelizarova noted, the main thing is entry in the state register of real estate and transactions with them.

Since July 15, 2016 the federal law which abolishes the certificate on state registration of the rights for real estate came into force and defines that the extract from the Uniform state registry of the rights (EGRP) will be the only thing of documents certifying this or that right for real estate.

In turn the head of United Russia fraction Vladimir Vasilyev noted that the legislative changes which have come on July 15 into force modernizing system of registration of the rights for real estate, cancelled issue of paper evidence of state registration of the rights for real estate.

"Obvious plus of an innovation is that there was an opportunity to carry out registration of real estate in electronic form. Possibility of submission of documents by an exterritoriality is provided. Terms of the state cadastral account and the state registration of the rights for real estate are reduced. Certainly, people from it win", - V. Vasilyev told journalists.

He noted that there is a task to bring number of the state services rendered in electronic form, to level of 70%.

"In 2015 in Russia already 40% of state services were rendered in electronic form. Our task by 2018 to bring this indicator to 70%",-V. Vasilyev told.

The head of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov in turn noted that the extract from the state registry protects the rights of citizens as it can be received at any time more convenient and best of all, and the most actual information will contain always there, and the old certificate on state registration of real estate contains information only at the time of registration of such property.

"Why the extract is important? It is actual on the date of extract delivery. We can lease real estate if it is more than a year, there will be the corresponding registration, in a mortgage and so on. And all these moments are reflected in the state registry and if you go to take the credit, to you speak: bring an extract (from the state registry about real estate) and will look to give you or not", - he told.

"And the certificate (about state registration of the rights for real estate) was granted for a moment when there was a right. It (obtaining actual information on a condition of the rights for a real estate object) is important as from the point of view of the owner, and the third parties", - were marked out by the deputy.

P. Krasheninnikov also noticed that still "a huge number of real estate yet in the register - in settlements in rural areas".

It is published Finmarket

Vladimir Vasilyev
Main activity:Politician
Pavel Krasheninnikov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on State construction and Legislation)
Galina Yelizarov
Last position: The deputy head, the inventory and cartography – the deputy chief state registrar of the Russian Federation (Federal Registration Service)