The changed rules of state registration of real estate are urged to protect the rights of citizens, consider in Party
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Legislative changes, in particular, will allow to minimize a corruption factor at property registration, the head of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov

Since July 15, 2016 came into change force in the federal law " About the state registration of the rights for real estate and transactions with it " according to which issue of certificates stops, and state registration of the rights for real estate makes sure only an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights on real estate and transactions with it. During a briefing on a subject "" on Tuesday, July 19, representatives of Party and profile departments discussed innovations in the legislation. As the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, the head of fraction "declared the United Russia " to Vladimir Vasilyev , obvious plus of changes is opportunity to carry out registration of real estate in electronic form. Also pedusmatrivayetsya possibility of submission of documents by an exterritoriality. Terms of the state cadastral account and the state registration of the rights for real estate are reduced.

In return, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov noted that amendments to the federal law are result of planeomerny work on improvement of the legislation and ensuring the rights connected with real estate.

"In 1997 the law on registration of the rights for real estate and transactions with it was adopted. Originally there was not a duty, and payment. And at all there was no unified register over all country. Certainly, the registration of the rights stated in the Civil code, gradually developed, and we, understanding, including, technical equipment and is constant it increasing, also we improve our legislation", - the parliamentarian reminded.

Thus the head of profile State Duma Committee noted that the number of registration actions constantly increases. "In 2013 we came to a conclusion that at purchase and sale of premises it is necessary not to register the contract as that, and the right as that. And there was a double registration. We reduced procedure: since 2013 the citizen registers once purchase and sale of premises and respectively once" pays, - he explained.

Krasheninnikov also added that since 2013 to the owner is given or an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights for real estate and transactions with it (EGRP), or the certificate on the state registration of the rights for real estate.

"Before creation of the register of the rights very much attention was paid to the certificate on the state registration of the rights. And, of course, originally in the law many norms were devoted to this certificate. There were relevant subordinate regulations: as the certificate what special measures of protection have to be has to look. Now we approached to that the certificate has to remain in the history", - the head of State Duma Committee declared.

The parliamentarian specified that since July 15, 2016 for an exception of duplication of an extract of the register, prevention of cases of fraud with the certificate, the decision to refuse this document was made, and at transactions to use extracts from the register, and as documents of title to have the relevant agreements (contracts of purchase and sale, exchange, donation).

" Is duplication at an initial stage was correct. But today we this stage outgrew. We pass to such form which excludes any time frames between entering into the register and issue of the certificate ", - Krasheninnikov noticed.

The deputy emphasized that the new order protects the rights of citizens better, "because directly in the law is specified - from the moment of the state registration, from the moment of entering into the register of the corresponding records arise, the corresponding rights for real estate" stop or change.

According to Krasheninnikov, considered legislative changes also will allow "to reduce opportunities for corruption". "It will serve serious strengthening of the rights of citizens and the legal entities connected with real estate", - he emphasized.

The head of profile committee also added that since January 1, 2017 the law which unites procedures of the state registration and entering of records into the inventory comes into force. " It now one law on the state registration of real estate which is already adopted ", - the deputy reminded.

Galina Yelizarova fulfilling duties of the head of Federal Registration Service explained that the certificate on registration of the rights identically to an extract from the register because bears similar information. "Now all of us it is more and we render more services in electronic form, including in the sphere of registration of the rights. At legislative level since 2013 it is specified that for registration confirmation the extract is given in any kind - in electronic or in paper, and the certificate - only in paper. It constrained possibilities of electronic document flow", - she noted, having added that as of the end of last week in electronic form more than 137 thousand packages of documents are given.

Yelizarova also reported that the Unified state register of real estate which Federal Registration Service will start keeping since January 1, 2017, also will be in electronic form. She especially emphasized that the rights for property at a new order of registration are protected not less, than earlier, and it is not required to change old certificates on property for new extracts.

Finishing action, Vasilyev paid attention of journalists that the fraction "the United Russia " in the sixth convocation of the State Duma actively worked as with the government.

"We together prepared bills, and together we watch those processes by which their right application is accompanied, we carry out monitoring. Just recently at a meeting with the president our fraction of this subject concerned. Said that a number of important laws is accepted: in particular, on distribution networks, on creation round the cities so-called, "a green board" (a green green space), on establishing order in the wood - the register of unfair tenants of the timberland, on creation of conditions for introduction is entered into a turn of lands of agricultural appointment. Now objective maintenance of process of implementation of these laws in life on places is necessary, and we intend to carry out this work", - the head of party fraction emphasized.

Vladimir Vasilyev
Main activity:Politician
Pavel Krasheninnikov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on State construction and Legislation)
Galina Yelizarov
Last position: The deputy head, the inventory and cartography – the deputy chief state registrar of the Russian Federation (Federal Registration Service)