On the eve of the City Day in Lipetsk passed the Business forum "Serbia-Russia"

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on July 15 in Lipetsk, within reciprocal visit of delegation of the Serbian Krushevats on City Day celebration, the large-scale exchange of contacts between businessmen of Serbia and Russia, organized by the Regional integrated center of Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry took place.

Successful two years' experience of business diplomacy of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Rasinsky district and the Lipetsk region which led to conclusion of agreement about twinning between Krushevats and Lipetsk, caused active interest of business community of other regions of Serbia and Russia. On a meeting with Serbians there arrived delegations from Voronezh, Kostroma, Tula, Mordovia, Bryansk, the Chechen of the Republic that turned the exchange of contacts into full Serbian-Russian business a forum. The scale and the status to a meeting were given also by the heads of two brotherly regions who have opened a business forum, representatives of federal institutes of support of small and medium business and regional branch governments, journalists of local mass media and more than one hundred representative of small and medium business of the Lipetsk region.

Gathered the vice governor Andrey Kozoderov, mayors of twin-cities of the Drag Nestorovich and Sergey Ivanov, the head of city councils Jasmin Palurowitsch and Igor Tinkov, and also organizers of a forum - heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of two regions Predrag Vukichevich and Anatoly Goltsov welcomed. Participants of a forum got acquainted with presentations of economic and investment potential of the Lipetsk region and the Rasinsky district, heads of the Russian regional integrated centers presented members of the delegations. Alexander Mitrofanov, the head of the group of experts of scientific and technical department of the Union of the innovative and technological centers of Russia, Stanislav Ustinov, the chief expert in the international cooperation of the Russian agency of support of small and medium business and Dmitry Trebukhin, the manager on regional development of the Russian export center who informed participants of a forum on structure and mechanisms of support of the innovative export-oriented enterprises of small and medium business also made a speech at a forum.

Within a forum hundreds negotiations, from acquaintance and establishment of the first contacts, before discussion with partners of the new directions of mutually beneficial cooperation were carried out. Businessmen of Serbia and Russia highly appreciated work of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the regional integrated centers thanks to which the meeting took place at high organizational level with big advantage for all participants. Big support in the organization of a forum was given also by a city administration of Lipetsk and management on development of small and medium business of the Lipetsk region, supervising questions of development of interregional and international cooperation of businessmen of the region.

Press service of Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry