The Kaluga region and Almaz-Antey concern start implementation of the pilot project on creation of a network of digital telecasting

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JSC VKO Concern Almaz-Antey concluded with the Kaluga region the agreement within which the enterprise will help the region to develop a network of a digital television broadcasting. From the region the ministry of domestic policy and mass communications and JSC Broadcasting Company Nika will be engaged in implementation of the agreement. the Result of work of the parties within the document.

the Director general of concern Jan Novikov emphasized that it is the first regional project of this sort.

Within the project plan stage-by-stage expansion of a network of a regional digital television broadcasting since Kaluga and Obninsk with achievement of coverage over 90% of the population. The created network becomes an innovative basis of modern information space, providing constitutional laws of citizens on access to information.

Creation of a network is planned to carry out p within the private and state partnership.

our reference:

according to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, at distribution of telebroadcasting programs in an analog format about 1,5 million people living approximately in 10 000 settlements of Russia, are not captured by a television broadcasting, and about 3,7 million more people have opportunity to accept only one television program. Thus about 65 interest of the population of the country cannot draw five and more television programs because of a low level of development of infrastructure of distribution of a television signal.

according to the press service of the government of the Kaluga region.