"United Russia" Party can lose mandates in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra

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Into Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra election campaign passes into an active phase. Practically all parliamentary parties decided on the candidates for the Dumas of district, regional and federal levels. Who stakes on diasporas and youth where "United Russia" Party will suffer defeat and how many mandates oppositionists — in material can select at the party in power Russian information company "URA.Ru".
Aleksey Savintsev
Last position: First secretary of district Committee CPRF of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area (CPRF KHANTY-MANSI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT - YUGRA)
Pavel Nikolaevich Zavalny
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on power )
Mikhail Serdyuk
Last position: The chairman of the board of Regional office of Party JUST RUSSIA in Khanty-Mansiysk the autonomous district Yugra (REGIONAL BRANCH OFFICE PARTII SPRAVEDLIVAYA ROSSIYA-ZA PRAVDU V OF THE AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT KHANTY-MANSI AUTONOMOUS OKRUG - YUGRA)
Vladimir Sysoev
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Tyumen region)
Eugenie Markov
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.